Music Technology and Chemical Engineering Applied critical thinking approaches to problem solving techniques in an interdisciplinary model through creating other vectors of entry.
5-7 page, double-spaced paper speaking to correlates between music and your major/professional discipline.
No APA or MLA, no bibliography required.
This is an essay.
You need to figure out equivalents from your silo of specialized language to music terminology. Over the semester, once you gained a better grasp of music terms, you will have a deepening understanding of how complex classical music is, how the sophisticated levels of pattern development are at play, and, in short, how it works.
I am asking you to 1) identify a specific impossible or difficult problem in your discipline/field, 2) translate the problem to an potential twin/equivalent problem in music (what would this problem be if this was a musical problem), 3) find a solution for the problem in music, and, 4) express the problem and solution in your own profession.