My Family Genogram Learning Centers

My Family Genogram Learning Centers Provide an introductory paragraph.
Analyze your genogram HORIZONTALLY and discuss what patterns, themes, and toxic issues are observed. (1 page)

My Family Genogram Learning Centers
My Family Genogram Learning Centers

Analyze your genogram VERTICALLY and discuss what patterns, themes, and toxic issues are observed. Be sure to include strengths, resources, and coping skills. (1 page)
One major purpose of the genogram centers around CHOICE. Address the following questions regarding choices as related to your genogram. (2 pages)
What messages/learnings from my family have I chosen to continue in my life?
What messages/learnings have I chosen to acknowledge but leave with former generations and not use in my life?
How are these choices helping me reach my current goals? How are they presenting barriers to reaching these goals? What are 3 things I can do to move beyond the barriers?
Briefly summarize by commenting on what this experience of making your own genogram has been like for you.

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