Neural network for security in mobile cloud

Neural network for security in mobile cloud and RFID technology
Neural network for security in mobile cloud and RFID technology

Neural network for security in mobile cloud and RFID technology

I need a proposal with detailed plan and steps, tasks and sub-tasks

The elements of this project are:

1-using Neural Network Model in mobile cloud computing(for mobile devices communications)

2-Using Neural Network model in RFID tags and RFID technology

3-using Trivium ciphers for the secure communications(generating the secure keystream for communication)

4- real live application implementing 1 and 2 and 3

5-timeline for research, experiments, analysis, writing,etc.

6-the aims , motivation , goals, background and related work

7-explaining how this project can fill gaps in the literature

8-explaining how this project will have a great impact in real life

9-explaining how this project will influence new direction for the future research

10-how to insure the the performance, communications security and speed, and power consumption, also the cost efficiency.

11-how to do the experiments, tests and final analysis.

12-stating the possible outcomes.

13-estimating the number of hours needed for every step, task and sub-task.

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