Nicholas Kristof and Jaweed Kaleem on Humanities Value

Nicholas Kristof and Jaweed Kaleem on Humanities Value The article website –

Nicholas Kristof and Jaweed Kaleem on Humanities Value
Nicholas Kristof and Jaweed Kaleem on Humanities Value discuss whether you agree or disagree with the ideas presented by Nicholas Kristof and Jaweed Kaleem on the value of the humanities.

Explain why or why not.

Then, review the article Extraordinary Outsiders: The Makers Who Don’t Know They’re Artists. Do you think the creative process is good for the average person? Explain why or why not. After Francis Church and the New York Sun, I want to say, “Yes, (saint) Nicholas, there is a Virgin — as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist.” Just not as supposed by your conversation partner in your New York Times column of Christmas Day

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