Objectivity Tradition and Application

Objectivity Tradition and Application Minimum of 750 words, and sufficiently cited to be accepted. Late penalties apply.

Objectivity Tradition and Application
Objectivity Tradition and Application

Based on Chapters covered since mid-term, address the following:

Considering Deontology, Utilitarianism, and Virtue ethics address how you would advise on the morality of the following scenario:

Objectivity Tradition and Application Case Study Scenerio

Jose and Manuella have seen two of their three children killed through gang violence in El Salvador. Their last child, Segundo, has been threatened to either join a gang or die. Jose and Manuella realize that they do not have the time to apply for regular migration to the USA, but understand that they may receive legal asylum if they can demonstrate persecution in El Salvador. On the flip side, USA policy means that they will be separated and held in separate detention from Secundo during the processing which can take 2 or more years with no guarantee that they will be quickly reconciled with Segundo even if they are granted asylum. What within these moral traditions should they do?

Paper 2 – Ethics

Objectivity Tradition and Application Outline

  1. Introduction:
  2. Hook?
  3. What are you about to do in your paper and why?
  4. If you will draw a conclusion about which is better (not required), this would be the place to state your thesis. If not, a thesis about differences or similarities in the moral recommendations from the various traditions would be useful here.

[For the following several sections you need to: 1) identify which tradition you are addressing in the section, 2) explain the tradition, 3) demonstrate breadth and depth of understanding, 4) demonstrate how the tradition would address the scenario found in the syllabus. The three traditions are Deontology (Kant), Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics. Each of these has two chapters dedicated to them in the Readings in Moral Philosophy text.

Please remember to rely upon the text, class notes, and my notes primarily. There is a lot of bad information on the internet concerning these traditions.

Objectivity Tradition and Application

  1. Deontology:
  2. Transition or Topic Statement
  3. Demonstrating Understanding
  4. Identify the Tradition
  5. Explain the Tradition

iii. Evaluate the Tradition

  1. Demonstrating Reasoned Application
  2. Based on the Tradition, where would one look to make a moral recommendation about the provided scenario?
  3. From that position, what would the tradition consider?

iii. Based on that consideration, from that perspective, what would the moral tradition recommend related to the provided scenario?

III. Utilitarianism:

  1. Transition or Topic Statement
  2. Demonstrating Understanding
  3. Identify the Tradition
  4. Explain the Tradition

iii. Evaluate the Tradition


Objectivity Tradition and Application

  1. Demonstrating Reasoned Application
  2. Based on the Tradition, where would one look to make a moral recommendation about the provided scenario?
  3. From that position, what would the tradition consider?

iii. Based on that consideration, from that perspective, what would the moral tradition recommend related to the provided scenario?

  1. Virtue Ethics:
  2. Transition or Topic Statement
  3. Demonstrating Understanding
  4. Identify the Tradition
  5. Explain the Tradition

iii. Evaluate the Tradition

  1. Demonstrating Reasoned Application
  2. Based on the Tradition, where would one look to make a moral recommendation about the provided scenario?
  3. From that position, what would the tradition consider?

iii. Based on that consideration, from that perspective, what would the moral tradition recommend related to the provided scenario?

Objectivity Tradition and Application Conclusion:

  1. Remind the reader about the moral traditions that you have looked at and the conclusions that they have come to
  2. If you made an argument about which tradition is better (not required), this would be the time to remind the reader of how you got there
  3. Remember, the conclusion is not a place to an introduced new argument
  4. Sources Cited (if any):

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