Pathophysiology of immune response
Critical Thinking Topic
Purpose: You are working in Pulmonology/Immunology practice. One of your new patients is a 20 year old man who has undergone allergy testing and found to be allergic to pollen and grasses. He is to start an immunotherapy program today.
Assignment Description:
Describe the pathophysiologic changes to the immune system when exposed to allergens and the clinical manifestations of these changes.
Formulate a care plan for the treatments to be given. Include information you would give for him to educate him about why he has the symptoms he experiences, a description of the program and what he can expect, how long it will take, and long-term expectations.
Provide a complete care plan to include the topics suggested.
Justify ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references.
Use APA 6th edition style guidelines consistently and accurately. Used correct spelling and grammar. Submitted on time.
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