Performance Lawn Equipment Assignment

Performance Lawn Equipment
Performance Lawn Equipment

Performance Lawn Equipment

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Case: Performance Lawn Equipment

In reviewing your previous reports, several questions came to Elizabeth Burke’s mind.
Use point and interval estimates to help answer these questions.
1. What proportion of customers rate the company with “top box” survey responses (which is defined as scale levels 4 and 5) on quality, ease of use, price, and service in the 2012 Customer Survey worksheet? How do these proportions differ by geographic
2. What estimates, with reasonable assurance, can PLE give customers for response times to customer service calls?
3. Engineering has collected data on alternative process costs for building transmissions in the worksheet Transmission Costs. Can you determine whether one of the proposed processes is better than the current process?


Case study: performance lawn equipment

Question 1

The question requires knowing the proportion of customers who rated the company at top box scale. From the data presented in appendix 1, in 2012, the customers who rated the company as per the survey scale 4 were found to be 34 and those who rated the company at survey scale 5 were found to be 15 out of a sample size of 60 customers. this data was collected from north south America, out of a sample scale of 30 customers,11 customers rated the company a survey scale 4 and 14 people rated the company at survey scale Europe, according to the 2012 customer survey worksheet, out of a sample size of 25 people 15 customers rated the company at a survey scale of 4 and 7 people rated the company at a survey scale of pacific rim, the 2012 survey worksheet showed that out of a sample size of 6 customers,3 people rated the company at a survey scale of 4 and only 1 customer rated the company at a survey scale of china only one person responded to the survey in 2012 and no body rated the company in either survey scale 4 or 5.from this survey it is clear that from the geographic point of view, many customers from the north and South America are more satisfied by the services of the company compared to the customers from the pacific rim and we have very few people from china who satisfied by the services of the company.

Question 2

In the year 2013, the company estimated that in average 3.70944 clients were given quick response time by the company while in 2014, 3.1136 customers in average were given fast response time by the company.

Question 3

The proposed plants for mowers according to the transmission cost worksheet was found to be high than the existing plants since the proposed plant could transmit the mowers at a cost of $1.40 and the existing plants could transmit at a lower cost in all quartiles compared to the proposed addition the proposed plants had high fixed costs compared to the current plants. This means that the proposed locations were more expensive as compared to the current locations as per the transmission worksheet.

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