Physical development in children Assignment Paper

Physical development in children
          Physical development in children

Physical development in children

Possible points
1. Create a chart listing all 30 toys. The chart should include columns with the following headings: Physical Development, Language Development, Social- Emotional Development, and Cognitive Development. Indicate which categories the toys fulfill by putting a check mark in the appropriate column(s) for each toy. 10
2. Choose 3 toys from your chart that best promote physical development in children. For each of the 3 toys, give a specific example of how it promotes physical development (e.g., muscle control, strength, balance etc.). 6
3. Choose 3 toys from your chart that best promote language development. For each of the 3 toys, give a specific example of how it promotes language development. 6
4. Choose 3 toys from your chart that best promote social-emotional development. For each of the 3 toys, give a specific example of how it promotes social- emotional development (e.g., cooperate, take turns, obey rules, socialization, self-expression, etc.). 6
5. Choose 3 toys from your chart that best promote cognitive development. For each of the 3 toys, give a specific example of how it promotes cognitive development (e.g., problem-solving, creativity, memory, etc.). 6
6. Assign each toy on your list a grade (A, B, C, D or F). Defend your rationale for each toy’s grade. 10
7. Personal reflection: What did you learn about children’s toys by doing this assignment? Be specific. 6

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