Political ideologies research paper available

Political ideologies research
Political ideologies research

Political ideologies research

Political ideologies research

The Question 1 is REQUIRED. And choose ONE from
the remainder. You are required to specify the
NUMBER of each of the two questions (required and
elected) you answer. Do NOT email your answer to
the instructor. Please use the space only provided

QUESTION 1(REQUIRED): ldentify the spectrum of
political ideologies. Discuss how the political
ideologies identified relate to the American
people/masses as well as to the government in the
American political process.

QUESTION 4. ldentify differences in philosophical
themes between conservatives and liberals in
viewing international relations of the US. Assess the
reality/unreality of the differences reflecting in the US
foreign and security policy. Discuss your views based
on at least one example/s.


QUESTION 2: What are the differences in political
ideology between conservatism and liberalism which
undergird the differences between demand-side and
supply-side economics in the US? Can there be a
third’ ideology that is able to compromise between the two economics? Whichever, justify your views

QUESTION 3: Assess whether both elitism and
pluralism were reconciled in the American
democracy. Discuss your views based on at least
one example/s.

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