Positive Treatment Outcome
Part One
What are some issues or factors that can increase or decrease the likelihood of a positive treatment outcome with a family dealing with a member who has a substance use disorder?
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:
6) Appreciate the importance of family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment and recovery process.
10) Describe a variety of helping strategies for reducing the negative effects of substance abuse and dependency.
95) Understand the characteristics and dynamics of families, couples, and intimate dyads affected by addiction.
96) Be familiar with and appropriately use models of diagnosis and intervention for families, couples, and intimate dyads, including extended, kinship, or tribal family structures.
97) Facilitate the engagement of selected members of the family, couple, or intimate dyed in the treatment and recovery process.
98) Help members of the family, couple, or intimate dyed understand the interaction between their system and addiction.
99) Help families, couples, and intimate dyads adopt strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery and maintain healthy relationships.
104) Describe how addiction affects families and significant/concerned others.
105) Describe the continuum of care resources that are available to significant/concerned others. (275 words)
Part Two
Describe one or two of the following family system concepts you think is/are the most prominent feature(s) in your own family (either positive/functional or negative/dysfunctional): rules, roles, communication, proximity, boundaries, and hierarchy. What behaviors would an “outsider” notice that would be indicative of this aspect of your family?
This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standard: 99) Help families, couples, and intimate dyads adopt strategies and behaviors that sustain recovery and maintain healthy relationships.(275 words)
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