Poster Assignment on Microbiology about Rotavirus Poster Assignment on Microbiology about Rotavirus
In Rotavirus, we have to indicate possible advantages of methods in terms of detection of pathogens in food. ((One of my friend has done it in the same topic last year and I will provide his stuff too.)) Please let me know if you are able to do it.
The assignment requires the student to read scientific journal articles related to analytical microbiology and then to be able to summarise, critique and discuss the themes and conclusion of the work. The student will be asked to use knowledge of microbiology in conjunction with the articles to compare the methods used to other microbiological methods that could be used in the analyses. You will be asked to prepare the assignment in the form of a poster in PowerPoint. Marking criteria will be provided with the assignment and laboratory report.
Poster Assignment on Microbiology about Rotavirus Details
Prepare a Powerpoint Poster based on one microorganism of either clinical or public health interest:
details will be provided in the proceeding lab sessions.
For the organism you choose give a background indicating its characteristics and the nature of the diseases it can cause, and how it is spread and acquired. The main aim of the assignment is to compare traditional and newer molecular and or immunological methods of detection and identification for each organisms. Discuss cost, sensitivity, accuracy and convenience of methods in
addition to the specific points made for the different types of bacteria
In PowerPoint ( office10) on the menu bar select Design and then click on page setup. Choose [slides sized for; Custom] and set the width as 121cm and height at 90cm for a landscape poster. (if you do not have access to PowerPoint or having problems with older version contact me). I will put up examples of posters on vUWS. As it will need to be in a form that could be read from 1metre the
poster word limit is 1400 though references can be included as a separate word document with these words not part of the word limit.
Poster Assignment on Microbiology about Rotavirus Sources of information
Your references should be journal articles from refereed journals or articles from government agencies such as Communicable Diseases Australia
( ) or NSW Public Health (
Electronic databases, available through the UWS library website, should be used to access journal articles. Please ask for assistance (from either teaching or library staff) if you do not know how to use the databases.