Report on a Healthcare Practitioner Communication

Report on a Healthcare Practitioner Communication
Report on a Healthcare Practitioner Communication

Practitioner report: For this assignment, you are required to write a 4-page report on a healthcare practitioner communication experiences, interpersonal communication strategies, and the communication demands related to his or her occupation. Be sure to follow the mandatory format for submitted work listed below.

To prepare for this interview, you are required to prepare an interview preparation report that includes: the name of your selected health care provider, contact information of your selected health care provider (phone number, e-mail, location of work), the date, time, and location you are meeting at, and your list of at least 15 questions. (my selected health care provider is Erica Olsen RN, BSN
Contact information cell is 435-705- 0730, IHC River Road, ICU due to conflicting schedules the interview was conducted over the phone, text messages and

The practitioner report should be formatted as follows (please label each section):
1. Section one: briefly describe the health care practitioner’s occupation, major day-to-day activities, and self-identified major communication challenges (for example, what does you see as the most significant communication challenges associated with your occupation?). You must also include his/her contact information here including phone and e-mail (please note, if I am unable to verify your selected practitioner’s credentials via the contact information you provide, you will fail this assignment). This section should be no more than two paragraphs in length.

2. Section two: this is the largest section of the paper and contains the ‘meat’ of this assignment. Select and define four key terms, concepts, and/or
theories we’ve covered in our course material and then explain how they relate to your selected health care practitioner’s communication interactions. Please underline each term the first time you use and define it. This section should be approximately 2 pages in length.

3. Section three: wrap-up your paper by identifying specifically key communication behaviors you’d like to employ in your own interpersonal health
communication interactions (either as a patient, caregiver, or both) and why they are important. This section should be one page.

1 Question: Do you find the language diversity to be a problem for communication in this area?
Answer: I don’t think the language diversity is a problem here because of where we live. We live in an area where 99.9% of the patient population speaks
English. When we do run into a patient who doesn’t speak English, we have a variety of translators to use.

2 Question: What trading have you had in communications?
Answer: I have taken a general communications course through college as well as several Communication courses in Nursing School which specifically outline diversity. The hospital also provides ongoing required education practices.

3 Question: do you think that students should have more training in communication and if so what would you suggest for students to take?
Answer: I think students should learn to listen more, and pick up on communication ques. There is generally a way to speak to patients and how not to speak to patients. A lot of students come through and are great and down to earth and really engage the patients and some come through and are completely awkward and it makes things uncomfortable for the patient.

4 Question: What if any experiences have you had dealing with terminal patient’s families and how does that vary from other patients?
Answer: Since being in ICU I deal with terminal patients and their families quite often. This requires more patience, more listening, and a great deal of
empathy. Yes all patients require these things, but it is much more demanding and time consuming when someone is terminal.

5 Question: Do you find it easier to communicate with children, adults, or the elderly?
Answer: I think that it just depends on the person I encounter. I have taken care of children who act more mature and reasonable than grown adults. Although
I do love to take care of the VERY elderly as they tend to be to the point, know what they want and need, are appreciative and thankful, and usually have
tons of wisdom to share.

6 Question: What or how does communication vary between the elderly versus children?
Answer: We don’t take of anyone younger than 18 in the hospital usually so I don’t have experience with children.

7 : Does a patient’s ethnicity change the way you communicate if so why and how does it change?
Answer: Yes, I think a patient’s ethnicity changes the way I communicate with them. You get to know which culture’s finds something disrespectful or
inappropriate and you have to make adjustments based on that. You also have to let patients and families interact and visit the way they deem appropriate.

8 Question: What are some strategies you have developed to communicate with patients in the ICU?
Answer: Since working in ICU, I have become very good at charades. Many/Most of my patients are intubated and cannot talk, but that usually does not stop them from trying. I have to be good at reading lips, pointing, gestures, grunts, etc. or they become very frustrated with a lack of communication with

9 Question: Is there a different communication style in the ICU vs other department’s?
Answer: I think the only difference I have noticed is that the nurses in ICU seem to be a little hardened by the severity of what they have seen. They might
seem jaded by the frequency of death, illness, and traumas that they witness.

10 Question: What is the protocol for communication in the ICU do only certain people speak?
Answer: Everybody speaks in ICU!! Too much!

11 Question: How does communication vary from doctor to doctor nurse to nurse and Doctor to nurse and nurse to Doctor?
Answer: ICU is a very tight knit unit and everybody works extremely close for the entire shift. There really is no difference in how anyone talks to anyone
else. Other floors seemed to be different as some of the doctors were arrogant and didn’t like to talk to nurses, but in ICU it is much different.

12 Question: What if any communication problems have you encountered, were you able to solve them and how?
Answer: I have really never had any communication problems with anybody, but if I did I would directly confront that person and be open, honest, and

13 Question: Has your communication style changed since you have switched depts.? If so how?
Answer: I don’t think my communication style has changed at all. I have always been open, easy to talk to, and direct.

14 Question: How, if at all do you think working as a medical professional has changed the way you communicate with people in your everyday life?
Answer:?I tend to be more open and positive I think. I talk to people ALL day so I think that I have taken down any barriers I had in the past with being
shy, quiet, or self-confident.

15 Question: do communication style vary from dept. to dept., if so how and what do you think could be done to improve communication?
Answer: I think they are about the same. Everyone has their loyalties though to their own floor, so we can become very critical of others. I think we all
just need to remember that we are there for one reason. A paycheck. Just kidding. The Patient!

16 Question: Has your communication style changed since you have switched depts.? If so how?
Answer: I don’t think my communication style has changed at all. I have always been open, easy to talk to, and direct.

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