Present and Future Values of Cash Flows

Present and Future Values of Cash Flows Complete the Mid-Term Exam #1 for this class, covering material from chapter 1 through the end of chapter 4.

Present and Future Values of Cash Flows
Present and Future Values of Cash Flows

Determine, and explore the effects of Interest Rates, Compounding Frequency, Length of Investment, on Today and Future Values of Cash Flows using a financial calculator and Excel (CLG, 6).
Calculate an investments interest rate, length, and compounding frequency using a financial calculator and Excel (CLG,6)
Calculating Present and Future Values for various investment types, ie. Annuities and Perpetuities, using a financial calculator and Excel (CLG, 6)
Calculating, creating and interpreting a simple Loan Amortization using a financial calculator and Excel (CLG, 6)

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