Professional Philosophy Statement Assignment

Professional Philosophy Statement Assignment Your professional philosophy will include the following, at a minimum:

Professional Philosophy Statement Assignment
Professional Philosophy Statement Assignment

o Introductory paragraph(s) should include the philosophy/belief statement from your concentration

o At least one paragraph focusing on some or all of the eight areas below. You may add to the list, or not include areas about which you do not feel strongly.

  • The value of your profession
  • Your style of leadership
  • The application of recognized professional practices
  • The role of education (both formal and informal)
  • Ethical behavior
  • Relationship to people, e.g. respect for ethnic and cultural diversity
  • Serving as a role model
  • And other areas that are important to YOU

o Concluding paragraph(s) should include a summation of your Professional Philosophy. Do not introduce new concepts in the closing paragraph. Everything summarized in the final paragraph should have already been discussed.

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