Project Design Implementation and Evaluation

Project Design Implementation and Evaluation Purpose of this assignment: To evaluate if the student has met the learning outcomes set for this unit based on multiple tasks and descriptors. This assignment is for 100% and this is the only assignment for this unit. Scenario or context: You are an IT professional who aspires to become a Project Manager.

Project Design Implementation and Evaluation
Project Design Implementation and Evaluation

You recently underwent a course in IT Project Management. You learned several concepts such as planning, risk analysis, project selection, requirement analysis, project design, implementation, recording progress, project evaluation and the use of relevant Project Management tools & techniques. You would like to put your learning to practice by designing, implementing an IT Project and by evaluating the extent of its success. You should come up with outline specifications for 2 or 3 IT projects. You should choose one of them as approved by your tutor/supervisor. You should then take it forward through design, implementation, and evaluation based on Tasks 1 to 4 as given in the sections below. Please note: • If you are managing the design & implementation of an existing system, you should study the current system and clearly justify on what needs to be developed in the new system and why in your project specification/plan. • If you are managing the design & implementation of a new system, you should clearly identify the system requirements in your project specification/plan. • If you want to manage the design & implementation of a group project the roles & responsibilities for each team member should be clearly stated in your project specification/plan. A group project is a bigger project with some sub-projects within it covering different areas or aspects of it. So, each team member should uniquely identify their sub-project or roles/tasks within the group project. The level of work or complexity within the group project should be equivalent to individual projects. Project supervisor may NOT approve a group project if they think that the plan does not adequately identify roles at all stages of the project for any or each of the team members, as required. You can use the above points to choose project ideas for various business needs. TASK 1 to TASK 4: You are required to follow the instructions as specified towards each task and support with research by using supportive materials like books, websites, etc., and give feedback on the findings by relating your arguments to the relevant case study as specified towards each task. Your report should fully follow the Harvard Referencing model. LO1 Be able to formulate a project TASK 1: The objective for this task is to address and exhibit an understanding to be able to formulate a project. You are required to address the task as specified and research by using supportive materials like books, Journals, websites, etc. to address the learning outcomes as specified. Answers reflected without reflective practice to your chosen project ideas will be referred. A.C1.1 Formulate and record at least two possible outline project specifications in a relevant format such as that of the Project Specification Document Template (AC 1.1) A.C1.2 Identify the factors that contributed to the process of your project selection. You would need to select one of the projects for further development from the project outlines that you formulated in A.C1.1. A.C1.3 Produce a full specification for the agreed project not limited to, but in the lines of timescales, scale of operations, standards, resource implications, business data and so on for the given project. A.C1.4 Produce an appropriate project plan for the agreed project using any suitable tool such as Work Breakdown structure, Gantt chart and so on. LO2 Be able to implement the project within agreed procedures and to specification TASK 2: The objective for this task is to address and exhibit an understanding to be able to implement the project within agreed procedures and to specification. A.C2.1 Match relevant resources efficiently to the chosen project A.C2.2 Undertake the proposed project in accordance with the agreed specification A.C2.3 Organise, analyse and interpret relevant outcomes for your project using a suitable recording mechanism such as a periodic log book LO3. Be able to evaluate the project outcomes TASK 3: The objective for this task is to be able to evaluate the outcomes of your agreed project. A.C3.1 Use appropriate project evaluation techniques such as PERT or CPM to evaluate your project. A.C3.2 Interpret and analyse the results in terms of your original project specification A.C3.3 Make suitable recommendations and justify areas for further consideration and future improvement for the developed project. Consider the implication of how far your project has met its outcomes. LO4. Be able to present the project outcomes. TASK 4: The objective for this task is to be able to choose an appropriate medium of presentation and to suitable present your project outcomes. A.C4.1 Produce a record of all stages of your project procedures and project development used to complete your project A.C4.2 Use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of all your findings professionally to an audience. You may choose to make an effective presentation as you deem fit.

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