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Promotion refers to raising the awareness of the customer about a brand of products, creating sales and generating loyalty to the particular brand of goods (Hanssens et al., 2014). In this promotion plan, we aim at creating sales, brand loyalty and making customers aware of the YumYum blueberry muffins. The promotion plan has various aspects that have been incorporated into the plan over an extended period of business years. In today’s world, it is customary in the enterprise community for one to execute a well-structured and laid out promotion plan. This can be achieved by gaining insight into many business aspects. The crucial business issues include sales, target market among other things. A promotion plan is a fundamental element of the marketing mix. The marketing mix has four essential elements which include Promotion, price, place and the product (Hanssens et al., 2014). There is also the element of the production mix that goes hand in hand with the marketing mix.

The blueberry muffin is a snack. A snack is usually taken when one is hungry but has no way or does not want to take a full meal. Snacks have become part of the modern people eating routines. Snacks are popular because they are tasty, light weight and takes a little time to eat. Thus, the blueberry muffin, which is a baking product, will have a larger market share if marketed well. After successfully promoting the product I believe it is going to achieve optimum if not maximumsales that haveneverbeenachievedbefore with anyothertype of muffin.
I have analyzed our competitors in the market. The results of the analysis gave me many insights on what competitive advantage we have over our competitors concerning this new product. The muffin has a richer taste, and the customer will know it is yummy just by looking at it.

I went to a cake shop just to have an idea of the target market for the muffins.
The target market that I realized is a wide variety of people mostly offices and schools. The most foreseeable target was moms, especially moms with birthdays and small gatherings. I learned from the little research I did by visiting some cake shops to have an idea of just who they were serving.

The location is also another factor when promoting this type of product. If the selling point for the muffins is located near schools, offices and neighborhoods,then sales for the product would rise greatly. Setting of a shop at precise locations near the target markets is an excellent way to promote the blueberry muffin as this will amount to more and more sales of the product.

Sales promotion can be done by creating sample tasting points in busy malls. It is a good way of promoting sales by giving a taste of the product and then let the consumer decide for himself or herself(Yu & Y. C. (2013).When the client is pleased, it will prompt him or her to buy the product. Then they may even tell their friends about the product. As we now there is no greater way of advertising than word of mouth.

Coming to the advertising part, some advertising methods can be used. The most appropriate include television and radio commercials and online advertising. Television commercials are one of the best way of promoting a product. It is so because a visual message is better than only audio. Also considering the impact of the internet in the business market, online advertising will serve the promotion of the product greatly.

Considering the promotional budget of 550,000 dollars, the promotion of the product is going to be successful following the set plan.

In conclusion, a good promotion plan like the one above needs to be implemented carefully as the food industry is a delicate one and very lucrative. Publicity must be positive, any adverse publicity may result in the lowering of sales thus hindering the success of promoting the Yum Yum Blueberry Muffins.


Hanssens, D. M., Pauwels, K. H., Srinivasan, S., Vanhuele, M., & Yildirim, G. (2014). Consumer attitude metrics for guiding marketing mix decisions. Marketing Science, 33(4), 534-550.

Yu, Y. C. (2013). Performance of Food and Beverage Department Promoted through Promotion plan. IJACT: International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology, 5(6), 160-166.

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