Psalm 84 and its major theological theme

Psalm 84 and its major theological theme
Psalm 84 and its major theological theme

Psalm 84 and its major theological theme

Interpret Psalm 84 and capture its major theological theme(s). It must contain the following three things:

1. Explain (a) the biblical imagery, (b) the psalm’s central message, and (c) its implications for theology.
2. Conduct a brief historical survey to summarize how the psalm you chose has been interpreted for use in personal or corporate worship. Use qualified and appropriate research sources to survey what significance the psalm has had throughout church history.
3. Imagine and summarize a contemporary cross-cultural expression of the psalm for personal or corporate worship, possibly drawing on other examples or resources. Provide a specific context for how the psalm can be used in worship today.
Use the Bible and at least two other scholarly sources

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