Public Institution Theory Essay Assignment

Public Institution Theory
            Public Institution Theory

Public Institution Theory

Researching public institution theory in the field of public administration. Below are the syllabus requirements:

Introduction (10 points)
 Provides a concise summary of the entire paper, including how the paper is structured
Theory Description and Analysis (40 points)
 Comprehensively discusses what the theory is and what it is meant to help explain
 Identifies and discusses in detail the strengths of the theory
 Identifies and discusses the weaknesses of the theory
Application of Theory to Practice (40 points)
 Analyses of previous academic studies (minimum of 10) utilizing the theory within the realm of public administration and/or nonprofit management
—- For each study used:
o Provide a concise summary of the study
o Addresses key points that are made by the authors of each respective study clearly and accurately
o Discusses in detail the strengths of the study
o Identifies and discusses the weaknesses of the study
o Articulates how the findings of the study relate to our general understanding/knowledge of public administration and/or nonprofit management

Writing/Format (10 points)
 Paper is at least 15 pages (excluding title and reference pages)
 Paper is typed, 12 point font and APA style use for references
 Grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct
 Writing flow: logical progression of sentence and paragraph structure

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