Qualitative and Quantitative Research Study Order Instructions: Kindly view attached
- Locate six articles on a research topic of your interest—two quantitative research articles, two qualitative research articles, and two mixed methods research articles—published in peer-reviewed journals.
- Prepare an annotated bibliography that includes the following:
- A one-paragraph introduction that provides context for why you selected the research articles you did.
- A reference list entry in APA Style for each of the six articles that follows proper formatting. Follow each reference list entry with a three-paragraph annotation that includes:
- A summary
- An analysis
- An application as illustrated in this example
- A one-paragraph conclusion that presents a synthesis of the six articles.
- Format your annotated bibliography in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. A separate References list page is not needed for this assignment.
For each source listed, you will begin with a summary of the information you found in that specific source. The summary section gives your reader an overview of the important information from that source. Remember that you are focusing on a source’s method and results, not paraphrasing the article’s argument or evidence.
The questions below can help you produce an appropriate, scholarly summary:
- What is the topic of the source?
- What actions did the author perform within the study and why?
- What were the methods of the author?
- What was the theoretical basis for the study?
- What were the conclusions of the study?
Remember, a summary should be similar to an abstract of a source and written in past tense (e.g. “The authors found that…” or “The studies showed…”), but it should not be the source’s abstract. Each summary should be written in your own words.
After each summary, your annotations should include a critique or analysis of each source. In this section, you will want to focus on the strengths of the article or the study (the things that would make your reader want to read this source), but do not be afraid to address any deficiencies or areas that need improvement. The idea of a critique is that you act as a critic—addressing both the good and the bad.
In your critique/analysis, you will want to answer some or all of the following questions:
- Was the research question well framed and significant?
- How well did the authors relate the research question to the existing body of knowledge?
- Did the article make an original contribution to the existing body of knowledge?
- Was the theoretical framework for the study adequate and appropriate?
- Has the researcher communicated clearly and fully?
- Was the research method appropriate?
- Is there a better way to find answers to the research question?
- Was the sample size sufficient?
- Were there adequate controls for researcher bias?
- Is the research replicable?
- What were the limitations of this study?
- How generalizable are the findings?
- Are the conclusions justified by the results?
- Did the writer take into account differing social and cultural contexts?
Finally, the last part of each annotation should justify the source’s use and address how the source might fit into your own research. Consider a few questions:
- How is this source different than others in the same field or on the same topic?
- How does this source inform your future research?
- Does this article fill a gap in the literature?
- How would you be able to apply this method to your area of focus or project?
- Is the article universal?
Remember, annotated bibliographies do not use personal pronouns, so be sure to avoid using I, you, me, my, our, we, and us.
Basics of Synthesis
As you incorporate published writing into your own writing, you should aim for a synthesis of the material. Read the following pages for more help on synthesis.
Synthesizing means comparing different material and highlighting similarities, differences, and connections. When a writer synthesizes successfully, he or she presents new ideas based on interpretations of other evidence or arguments. Critical reading and critical thinking are key components of successful synthesizing.
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Study Sample Answer
Montoya, T.A, Coker-Appiah, D.S., Eng, E., Wynn, M.R. and Townsend, T.G. (2013). J Child Fam Stud 22; 48-62.
Montoya, T.A, Coker-Appiah, D.S., Eng, E., Wynn, M.R. and Townsend, T.G. (2013) is a qualitative research article that investigates the knowledge, beliefs , nd perception of the impact of Adolescent dating violence (ADV) on sexual health among rural African Americans. The articles reports that ADV has a negative impact on sexual relationships, increases fear and impacts negotiations for condom use.
As a qualitative study, the present study has a well framed research question; it seeks to uncover the perception of ADV and sexual health in NC. The research aim is specific and restricts the scope of research collection to Eastern NC area. However, the research has a major weakness as data is collected from a small sample that is not randomly selected.
The article contributes to my research as it illustrates the negative impact of intimate partner violence at an early age. Both the article and my research highlights the need to stop intimate partner violence.
Prospero, M. & Vohra-Gupta, S. (2007). Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and the Perception of Dating Situations Among College Students. Violence and Victims, 22 (4); 489-502.
Prospero and Vohra-Gupta (2007) is a mixed method research article that investigated the link between past victimization and perceptions of future relationships. According to the authors, females were more likely to perceive relationships as inappropriate if they had been subjected to sexual violence in the past. In contrast, Men reported aggressive behaviors if they had been victims of sexual violence in the past.
The case study selected a cross-sectional purposive sample which recruited individuals with a history of sexual violence only. The sampling technique is very effective as it facilitates for responses that are appropriate for the study. The findings of the study are credible as the data is collected from individuals with a history of intimate partner violence.
The study contributes to my research as it shows that intimate partner violence has a long term impact on the sexual behavior of individuals. It supports the view that urgent interventions need to be undertaken to reduce intimate partner violence.
Weile, S., Bahromov, M., Loue, S. & Owens, L. (2012). Trauma Exposure, PTSD, and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Labour Migrants from Tajikistan. AIDS Behav, 16; 1659-1669.
Weile, Bahromov, Loue and Owens (2012) is a mixed method research study that investigated the link between PTSD and Trauma symptoms to the risk of contracting HIV. The study found that trauma and PTSD symptoms were associated with a higher risk of contracting HIV among migrant communities.
The main weakness of the case study is the use of incentives to induce participants to participate in the study. However, the study provides an insight into an area of study where very few research articles have ventured. The findings of this case study can assist nurses to design interventions that help improve the mental health of immigrants. The study establishes a previously unknown relationship between mental health and the risk of contracting HIV.
The article contributes to my research as it shows past intimate partner violence may increase the risk of HIV among immigrant workers. The higher risk of HIV is associated with PTSD or Trauma arising from past intimate partner violence.
Sommer, C.A & Cox, J. A. (2005). Elements of Supervision in Sexual Violence Counselors’ Narratives: A Qualitative Analysis. Counselor Education & Supervision, 45; 119
Sommer and Cox (2005) is a qualitative study that explores whether trauma-sensitive supervision can reduce the impact of vicarious exposure to trauma. The study found that the effects of vicarious trauma can be reduced by many interventions including trauma-sensitive supervision.
The main weakness of the study is the small sample of one male and 8 female sexual violence counselors. However, the study also provides findings that support the effectiveness of trauma-sensitive supervision as a strategy for reducing the effect of vicarious trauma.
The article relates to my research topic as it introduces an intervention that can be able to reduce the impact of intimate partner violence.
Logan, T.K., Cole, J., & Shannon, L. (2007). A Mixed-Methods Examination of Sexual Coercion and Degradation Among Women in Violent Relationships Who Do Not Report Forced Sex. Violence and Victims, 1: 71.
Logan, Cole, and Shannon (2007) is a mixed method research article which uses both qualitative and quantitative data. It investigates the similarities and difference between abusive and coercive sexual tactics used on women who either report or fail to report forced sex. The study found that women who report or do not report forced sex were almost always victims of coercive and abusive sexual tactics.
This research is important as it explores the sexual abuse dimension of intimate partner violence. The article provides valuable statistics and information on intimate partner violence.
This article contributes to my study as it shows that sexual violence is more prevalent than reported. Therefore, the study suggests that prevention of intimate partner violence will lead to lower levels of sexual abuse.
Lehrer, J, Lehrer, V., Lehrer, E, Oyarzun, P.B. (2007). Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization in College Women in Chile. International Family Planning Perspectives; Dec 2007; 33, 4; ProQuest Central, pg. 168.
Lehrer, Lehrer, Lehrer, and Oyarzun (2007) is a primary research article that reports results from a quantitative study on the prevalence and correlates of sexual violence among Chilean university students. The study reports that 6 percent of respondents had experienced rape, while a further 14% had experienced some other form of undesired sexual contact. The article also links childhood abuse and low parental education to higher odds of perpetration.
The main weakness of the study is the small sample of students interviewed for the study. However, the study associated childhood sexual abuse to a higher likelihood of perpetration a theme that is found in much sexual abuse literature.
The article will help in developing my research as it highlights factors that may lead to future intimate partner violence.
Although the six research articles use different or similar research methods they all relate to the topic of intimate partner violence and its impacts. Logan, Cole, and Shannon (2007) start by showing that women in abusive relationships also experience sexual coercion and degradation and are unsatisfied by sexual activity in the relationships. Montoya et al (2013) show that the impact of past intimate partner violence is different according to the gender of the victim. Female victims feel that sex in their relationships is inappropriate while men grow more sexually aggressive. On the other hand, Lehrer, Lehrer, Lehrer, and Oyarzun (2007) provide information on interventions that can be used in early life to reduce the odds of sexual abuse perpetration. Weile et al (2012) link PTSD and Trauma that may be caused by intimate partner violence as a risk factor for HIV contraction. Sommer and Cox (2005) provide an intervention that can help reduce the impact of vicarious trauma among victims of intimate partner violence. Finally, Prospero and Vohra-Gupta (2007) is link past victimization and perceptions of future sexual relationships. The article shows that females are more likely to perceive relationships as inappropriate if they had been subjected to sexual violence in the past. In contrast, Men reported aggressive behaviors if they had been victims of sexual violence in the past.
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Study References
Logan, T.K., Cole, J., & Shannon, L. (2007). A Mixed-Methods Examination of Sexual Coercion and Degradation Among Women in Violent Relationships Who Do Not Report Forced Sex. Violence and Victims, 1: 71.
Montoya, T.A, Coker-Appiah, D.S., Eng, E., Wynn, M.R. and Townsend, T.G. (2013). J Child Fam Stud 22; 48-62.
Prospero, M. & Vohra-Gupta, S. (2007). Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and the Perception of Dating Situations Among College Students. Violence and Victims, Volume 22, Number 4, 2007.
Sommer, C.A & Cox,J. A. (2005). Elements of Supervision in Sexual Violence Counselors’ Narratives: A Qualitative Analysis. Counselor Education & Supervision, 45; 119.
Weine, S., Bahromov, M., Loue, S. & Owens, L. (2012). Trauma Exposure, PTSD, and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Labour Migrants from Tajikistan. AIDS Behav, 16; 1659-1669.
Lehrer, J, Lehrer, V., Lehrer, E, Oyarzun, P.B. (2007). Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Sexual Victimization in College Women in Chile. International Family Planning Perspectives; Dec 2007; 33, 4; ProQuest Central, pg. 168.