Reaching Millennials through New Product Innovation

Reaching Millennials through New Product Innovation Case Management Decision Case

Reaching Millennials Through New Product Innovation At Campbell’s Soup

Reaching Millennials through New Product Innovation
Reaching Millennials through New Product Innovation

What is a marketer to do when their whole product category is shrinking? That’s the situation Campbell’s Soup found itself in as many consumers decided that soup was no longer mmm mmm good.î53

Reaching Millennials through New Product Innovation

Campbell’s Soup was a pioneer of mass food manufacturing, making shelf-stable (canned) goods a fixture in American pantries. But many of today’s consumers prefer a different approach to eating seasonal, fresh, and organic.

This is particularly true for America’s 80 million millennials, an important generation that Campbell’s and other soup makers were not attracted to their traditional canned soup products.

To reconnect with this market segment, new CEO Denise Morrison took the 125-year-old company in some bold new directions, using a combination of internally driven product innovation and acquisitions of food industry trailblazers…

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