Recent History of Companies which have Changed

Recent History of Companies which have Changed Case Studies of Companies which have Undergone Changes in their Recent History Choose ONE of the following case studies of companies which have undergone changes in their recent history (presented here with suggested readings to start with).

Recent History of Companies which have Changed
Recent History of Companies which have Changed

Identify TWO aspects of HR involved in this change, discuss how they a Coursework
For the coursework, you must write an essay on ONE of the following topics.

Recent History of Companies which have Changed Paper writing Guidelines

The upper word limit is 2,500 words (excluding references).
Working individually, choose ONE of the following case studies of companies which have undergone changes in their recent history (presented here with suggested readings to start with). Identify TWO aspects of HR involved in this change, discuss how they affected or were affected by the crisis, and consider the implications for wider HRM practice.
1) Amazon
Chakrabarti, Rajesh and Scholnik, Barry (2015) International Expansion of Retailers: Where The Amazon Flows. Thunderbird International Business Review 44 (1): 85-104
Filson, Darren (2014) The Impact of E-Commerce Strategies on Firm Value: Lessons from and Its Early Competitors.
The Journal of Business, 77 (2): 135-154.
2) Oxfam
Aaronson, Susan Ariel and Zimmerman, Jamie M. (2016) Fair Trade? How Oxfam Presented a Systemic Approach to Poverty, Development, Human Rights and Trade. Human Rights Quarterly 28 : 998–1030
Stephen, June (2017). Knowledge Management in Oxfam. Information Development 17 (2): 107-110.
3) Nike
Qin, Fei et al. (2017) Beyond corporate codes of conduct: Work organization and labour standards at Nike’s suppliers.
International Labour Review 146 (1-2): 21.
Hummels, H. and Timmer, D. (2014) Investors in Need of Social, Ethical, and Environmental Information. Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1): 73 – 84.
Moore, F. (2011) Identity, Knowledge and Strategy in the UK Subsidiary of an Anglo-German Automobile Manufacturer.
International Business Review, In press, available from
Oliver, N. et al. (2018) A Systems Perspective on the Death of a Car Company. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 28 (6): 562 – 583.
5) Royal Dutch/Shell
Frynas, J. George (2017) Shell in Nigeria: A Further Contribution. Third World Quarterly 21 (1): 157-164.
Martinez, Esther Ortiz and Crowther, David (2018) Is Disclosure the Right Way to Comply With Stakeholders? The Shell Case.
Business Ethics: a European Review 17 (1): 13-22.
Anonymous (2016) China Teaches Ikea the Limits of Homogeneity. Strategic Direction 25 (11): 43.
de Chernatony, L. and Tarnovskaya, V. (2015) Internalising a brand across cultures: the case of IKEA. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 39 (8): 598 – 618 .
Coursework requirements:
Work must be typed and contain an accurate word count. Please keep a copy of all work submitted. You may not sit the exam without completing this work. Extensions are given in only exceptional circumstances, and work received late is subject to a range of penalties (see student handbook).
A successful essay is one that uses both theory and evidence to answer, directly, the set question. This requires that you
read widely, not just the suggested texts for the chosen essay topic. Students are directed to look at the advice in the
handbook, and to ensure that they follow the Harvard system for referencing.
I want the text books using as the sources

Recent History of Companies which have Changed Recommended Text Books

You are advised to buy one of the following key texts:
Harzing, A.W. and Pinnington, A. (2014) International Human Resource Management [3rd ed.], London: Sa
Edwards, T. and Rees, C. (2015) International Human Resource Management: Globalization, National Systems and Multinational
Corporations, [2nd ed.] Prentice Hall.

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