Recognizing The Need For Change Assignment

Recognizing The Need For Change
  Recognizing The Need For Change

Recognizing The Need For Change

Leroy Banks is the Director of Change Management for Red Carpet, a national hospitality and entertainment company. He has contracted you to be an OD Consultant because Red Carpet has recently acquired a movie theater company and needs to create a new division. Leroy realized that this acquisition has provided an opportunity to restructure some other parts of the Red Carpet as well so it can streamline its operations. Leroy has asked you to begin by assessing Red Carpet’s organizational environment.

Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course and with your classmates; discuss the following questions that will help you become familiar with Red Carpet:

Identify and describe 3 examples of external forces affecting Red Carpet.

Identify and describe 3 examples of internal forces affecting Red Carpet

What challenges have these forces created at Red Carpet?

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