Registered Nurse Care Development Plan

Registered Nurse Care Development Plan Order Instructions: The RN is developing a plan of care for an 86 year old patient who was admitted after falling at home.

Registered Nurse Care Development Plan
Registered Nurse Care Development Plan

The patient is confused to place and time and has a right hip fracture that will be repaired tomorrow.

Registered Nurse Care Development Plan Question

Develop A plan of care for this patient that includes the actions the RN will take for each step of the nursing process. Be sure to include how critical thinking will be used in the development of the plan.
Please cite two references from the textbook APA style

Textbook to use for this paper: Treas, L. & Wilkinson, J, (2014). Basic nursing: concepts, skills & reasoning. Philadelphia; F. A. Davis, Company.

Specific areas & chapters to read and collect information for this paper?
Basic nursing: concepts, skills & reasoning**
• Chapter 2: Critical thinking and the nursing process
• Chapter 3: Assessment
• Chapter 4: Diagnosis
• Chapter 5: Planning Outcomes
• Chapter 6: Planning Interventions
• Chapter 7: Implementation and Evaluation
• Chapter 18: Documenting and Reporting
• Chapter 44: Nursing

• Use your chosen Nursing Diagnosis Guidebook to review the nursing diagnoses specific to the content covered in this module.
Nursing Diagnosis Guidebook – A pocket-size nursing diagnosis guidebook of your choice that is no more than one edition old, that includes NANDA International-approved nursing diagnoses, definitions, defining characteristics, and possible nursing Interventions.

Registered Nurse Care Development Plan Sample Answer

Developing a well-designed care plan is essential in enhancing effective management of the condition of the patient. Assessment will be the initial step in the care plan where the RN would interview the family or the individual to establish the problem which is accompanied by the performance of examination and observation of behaviors the joint where the pain is elicited as well as examining other additional associated injuries is done (Wilkinson,2014)). The diagnostics the next step in the care plan where a plain radiography test for the hip fracture is performed. The RN is also able to develop a medical theory about the information collected during the assessment. Planning is essential during the nursing process where measurable and attainable medical goals are made  (Wilkinson, 2014) . The RN would address comorbidities and also prescribe supplements such as bisphosphonates and recommend therapy for the patient. The frequency of image so at to result in desired outcomes is done. Rehabilitation therapy and removal of environmental hazards leading to falls is included in the plan. After having such interventions, the outcomes such as reduced risk of fracture and healing are expected soon as long as the proper care plan is followed.

The RN also ensures the plan and interventions are fully implemented where evaluation is vital to assess progress.  The implementation is done by the RN plan where continuity of care on the patient is emphasized. Risk factors and nutritional issues are addressed where a good environment is provided. Physical care and that education are essential in the nursing plan of care. Evaluation is done in phases to ensure the adherence to the care plan and improvement in the condition, and then documentation is efficiently done . Critical thinking is crucial in developing each stage of the care plan. Employing critical thinking during assessment enables the RN to gather accurate and concise data that is measurable which is a basis of a good plan. The ability to make effective clinical judgments in collaboration with other professionals and involvement of the patient is essential. The critical thinking is applied through using standardized language to communicate and adoption of evidence-based practices for the right diagnosis.

Critical thinking also ensures identifying the underlying problems correctly and prioritizing the best and urgent practices of care. Critical thinking influences the process of planning and implementation of the right management practices.  The procedures of care and the interventions should meet the concerns and demands of the patient who is made possible through critical judgment and thinking of the RN (Wilkinson,2014) . The goals of the care plan should be measurable which leads to better outcomes.  In a nutshell, application of critical thinking enhances evidence-based practices during the whole nursing process.

Registered Nurse Care Development Plan Reference

Wilkinson, J, (2014). Basic nursing: concepts, skills & reasoning. Philadelphia; F. A. Davis, Company

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