Relate Current Events in Latin America

Relate Current Events in Latin America Current Events Essays – the goal of this assignment is to

Relate Current Events in Latin America
Relate Current Events in Latin America

1) Relate current events in Latin America to course materials and

2) Develop critical thinking.

You are responsible for finding a news article related to the theme we are discussing. These articles must be related to Latin America (you can also write about Latinos in the U.S.). Please follow the format below for this assignment. Include the link to the news article.

Relate Current Events in Latin America

Paragraph 1: Introduce the article: include title, author, source; what is this piece about? What is the main focus/theme?

Paragraph 2: How does the article relate to the assigned material(s)? Discuss in detail how the news article and assigned course material are related. Be as specific as possible.

Paragraph 3: What did you think of the article? Did you learn anything new? If so, what?

This assignment will be graded in the following way:



Relate Current Events in Latin America

Meets or exceeds the required length and format. Demonstrated in-depth use of assigned course material (either quoted or cited from the material). High-quality discussion of the relationship between materials in unit and news article.


Meets required length and format. Demonstrated in-depth use of assigned course material (but did not quote or cite from the material). Good quality discussion of the relationship between materials in unit and news article.

Meets required length and format. Does not demonstrate in-depth use of assigned course material (including did not quote or paraphrase from the material). Poor quality discussion of the relationship between the materials in unit and news article.


Does not meet the required length and format. Demonstrated superficial use of assigned course material. Poor quality discussion of the relationship between the materials in unit and news article.

I’ve posted some samples of this assignment and suggestions for sources. Please review them carefully.

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