Relationship in Crown British or Canadian and Indian

Relationship in Crown British or Canadian and Indian Name:_____________________ In an essay that is not more than five (5) double spaced pages, Times New Roman, 12 font, answer points

Relationship in Crown British or Canadian and Indian
Relationship in Crown British or Canadian and Indian

(i) through (iv) for all terms in Part I. (i) Tell me what each of the following was intended to do, (ii) provide relevant/significant points for each one, (iii) identify the relationship between the Crown (British and/or Canadian) and Indian and/or Métis peoples for each, and (iv) conclude with discussion of how these terms build upon (or is connected to) the others. Part I a) Royal Proclamation, 1763 b) Act for the Better Protection of the Lands and Property of Indians in Lower Canada, 1850 c) British North America Act, 1867, and Sec 91(24) d) Act for the Gradual Enfranchisement of Indians and the Better Management of Indian Affairs, 1869 e) Rupertsland and North-Western Territory Order, 1870 and Term 14 f) Manitoba Act, 1870 and Sec 31 g) Numbered Treaties


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