Resources for Health Education for Australia

Resources for Health Education for Australia Looking for someone who can create engaging curriculum resources for Health Education for Australia.
We would require engaging health education activities for Years 7 – 10 based on the Australian Curriculum ( for the following content areas
– Physical Activity and Nutrition
– Mental Health
Sexuality and Relationships (include sexual education)

Resources for Health Education for Australia
Sexuality and Relationships

– Alcohol and Other Drugs
Each activity will teach a small component of the overall content areas and be added to lessons and unit plans.

Resources for Health Education for Australia Essay Instructions

Please provide a portfolio of your previous work. – Alcohol and Other Drugs
Each activity will teach a small component of the overall content areas and be added to lessons and unit plans.
Please provide a portfolio of your previous work. – Alcohol and Other Drugs
Each activity will teach a small component of the overall content areas and be added to lessons and unit plans.
Please provide a portfolio of your previous work.  Years 7 – 10 based on the Australian Curriculum ( for the following content areas
– Physical Activity and Nutrition
– Mental Health
Sexuality and Relationships (include sexual education)

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