Responsibility to Protect R2P Assignment

Responsibility to Protect R2P Assignment Please view below in the instructions for more information

Please note: The first assignment is a report and the second is an essay!

Responsibility to Protect R2P Assignment
Responsibility to Protect R2P Assignment

Assignment 1 (REPORT): Write a report on the extent to which the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is a pretext for Western intervention in the international system.

(1900 words)

Assignment 2 (ESSAY): Part 1: Essay

‘The real difference between man and other animals is that humans alone have a perception of good and evil, right and wrong, just and unjust.’ (Aristotle, 1962[350BC])

‘By growing scientific knowledge, humans can free themselves from the limits that frame the lives of other animals.’ (J Gray, 2002)

Discuss the view that humans are uniquely political. Word limit: 2000 words.

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