Role of ethics in the helping professions

Role of ethics in the helping professions
Role of ethics in the helping professions
Role of ethics in the helping professions

Role of ethics in the helping professions

The variations between and among the terms ethics, morals, values, rules, and principles
The role of ethics in the helping professions
The role of professional organizations and associations in the human services profession
Option 2- Alternative Assignment:

Complete the Option 2 alternative assignment by answering the Seminar questions. Your responses should be composed in complete sentences and paragraphs and be 300ñ400 words in length. You should create your Seminar responses in Microsoft Word, making sure to follow APA format and cite all references used. Save your answers and submit them to the Unit 1: Seminar Dropbox. The Dropbox is located at the top of this class on the blue toolbar. Be sure to complete all questions to earn your Seminar points. You are also strongly encouraged to review the Seminar transcript to gain the full educational benefit intended.

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