Role Played by Non written Sources in Our History Directions: Choose TWO of the following 50 point essays (based on which text or texts you are using)
As should be expected, many of these questions and topics are the same as they were for your two previous Exams:
just different material and time periods covered. Please note that I have added a couple of summary questions, however, to give you a chance to look back on what we’ve done this semester and to tie it all together.
Your responses to the following essays should be based on Lessons 7-11 of the E-Text or Chapters 9-15 of the Text (or material from both if you have both),
with the exception of Essay Choices 8 and 9 which require you to use material from our entire semester as a way of summarizing what you’ve learned and
put it all together, so to speak.
Role Played by Non written Sources in Our History
1. TEXT. Choose two illustrations (pictures, painting, graphs, charts, etc.) from Chapters 9-15 and reflect on their meanings for both past and present. Go
beyond the captions given for each illustration and offer your own interpretation. What are your thoughts about the role played by non-written sources in our history?
2. TEXT. Choose a topic from these chapters you find particularly interesting and offer your reflections about its continuing relevance for our lives today.
Don’t be afraid to “think outside the box” on this one.
3. E-TEXT (Lessons 7-11) Choose one movie (assessed by clicking on the Media icon found in various places throughout the lessons) and reflect on how its information sheds light not only on the “past” but on the “present” as well.
4. E-TEXT (Lessons 7-11). Choose one eyewitness account found in a Briefcase icon and reflect on how this account enriches our understanding of the past as well as making connections with us today.
Role Played by Non written Sources in Our History
5. E-TEXT (Lessons 7-11). Each lesson has a Menu that lists the topics for that chapter. After reviewing this material, choose one topic that you find
particularly interesting and reflect on its importance for an understanding of both “past” and “present.”
6. TEXT AND / OR E-TEXT. Many historians believe the time period we”re studying in this Module witnessed the birth of ?� modern America.’ In what ways is this true? Discuss at least two specific examples.
7. TEXT AND / OR E-TEXT. To what extent do you agree with a history student who believes that many of the issues that led to the Civil War were left
unresolved at war’s end? In what ways are we still struggling with these issues today? To what extent are we still divided by these issues? Discuss at least
two specific examples.
8. TEXT AND / OR E-TEXT (Comprehensive for all material covered this semester, including Modules 1, 2, and 3): If you are asked to put three items into a
time capsule representing the events, people, and themes of this entire course, which three will you choose and why? Choose one item from each Module we’ve
Role Played by Non written Sources in Our History
9. TEXT AND / OR E-TEXT (Comprehensive for all material covered this semester, including Modules 1, 2, and 3): Suppose you are asked to deliver a
commencement address for this class on this topic: “Why Studying American History 2010 Is Relevant To Our Lives Today: Three Examples.” Which three examples
will you choose and why? Choose one example from each Module we’ve studied