Roles in Nursing Case Scenario Assignment

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Roles in Nursing Case Scenario Assignment
Roles in Nursing Case Scenario Assignment

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Roles in Nursing Case Scenario Assignment on a Registered Nurse

You are a Registered Nurse on the afternoon shift on a short-stay (24 hours) in surgical ward. One other Registered Nurse, an Enrolled Nurse (Who can administer medication but cannot administer IV medication) and three Assistant in Nursing are also on duty. The Nurse Unit Manager is off Sick, and the other Registered Nurse is acting as NUM as well as taking a patient load. The ward is full, there are 22 patients, 14 of whom went to surgery in the morning, and 8 are going on your shift. Half of these a patient have intravenous access and antibiotics at some time during your shift.
Using your knowledge and experience of various patient allocation models, (such as total patient care, team nursing, and task allocations), outline how you would allocate the staff to the patient. Include in your discussion, your rational for the model of allocation chosen, and the scope of practice of the various staff.

Roles in Nursing Case Scenario Assignment Sample Answer

An efficient patient allocation model is vital for the safe delivery of nursing care to patients. Such a model should maximize on the abilities, roles, responsibilities, and actions of the available staff especially considering that nursing practice is prone to a shortage of practitioners. Halcomb et al. (2014) put it that role development is an issue worth attention when seeking to strengthen primary care delivery in the Australian clinical setup. This article takes an evidence-based approach to develop a workable task allocation in a case in which there are five nursing professionals with different education and experience levels.

According to Ferguson and Cioffi (2011), factors worth considering when managing nursing staff and allocating tasks include skills, experience, education, and the gains of patients and the service providers. On their part, McHugh and Lake (2010) asserted that when expertise is matched to responsibilities, it is possible for nursing staff to deliver high-standard care. Therefore, in addition to prioritizing on what types of services nursing professionals in the case study can deliver, it is also necessary to ensure that the staff is placed at a position from where it would gain and encounter minimum discomfort. The approach would facilitate teamwork and motivate service providers to be responsible while delivering with minimum supervision.

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (2016) defined the capabilities of registered nurses as including delivery of evidence-based and person-centered curative, palliative, restorative, formative, preventive, and supportive care to their clients. In the case scenario, registered nurses are best placed for context assessment and plan development as well as outcome evaluation and implementation. As such they would be required to supervise the enrolled nurse and the three nursing assistants while also administering intravenous medications to patients. Since one of the RNs is on administrative duties, the remaining one should actively engage in clinical duties.

On their part, enrolled nurses in Australia are accountable for the services they deliver when delegated (Monash University, 2016). These include administering direct care to patients and monitoring its impact. However, as Jacob et al. observed, ENs in Australia may end up practicing beyond their scope as the country faces staff and economic challenges (2010). Nevertheless, nurses should purpose to do their best for the wellness of their patients as they communicate their concerns through the relevant avenues. However, it is important that ENs be conversant with the law as there are restrictions to the types of care they should deliver depending on whether they have a notation or not (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016). In the case scenario, the EN can administer antibiotics to patients, interact supportively with patients, monitor individuals, and update the RN on patient statuses accordingly.

Lizarondo et al. (2010) investigated the importance of assistants in healthcare and concluded that they are valuable in service delivery and institutions should engage them effectively. In nursing, assistants are mandated to deliver services such as personal care for patients, manual transportation, preparing patients for clinical services, and ensuring that patient access recreational facilities when appropriate (, 2013). In the case scenario, assistants should engage in the promotion of patient wellness through approaches such as maintaining high levels of hygiene. It is worth noting that surgical patients are prone to infections and therefore, the hospital should promote hygiene so as to prevent nosocomial complications (Mathur, 2011).

Roles in Nursing Case Scenario Assignment Reference

Ferguson, L. & Cioffi, J. (2010). Team nursing: experiences of nurse managers in acute care settings. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(4), 5-12.

Halcomb, E. J., Salamonson, Y., Davidson, P. M., Kaur, R., & Young, S. A. (2014). The evolution of nursing in Australian general practice: a comparative analysis of workforce surveys ten years on. BMC Family Practice, 15, 52.

Jacob, E. R., Barnett, A., Sellick, K., & McKenna, L. (2013). Scope of practice for Australian enrolled nurses: evolution and practice issues. Contemp Nurse, 45(2), 155-163.

Lizarondo, L., Kumar, S., Hyde, L., & Skidmore, D. (2010). Allied health assistants and what they do: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 3, 143–153.

Mathur, P. (2011). Hand hygiene: Back to the basics of infection control. The Indian Journal of Medical Research, 134(5), 611–620.

McHugh, M. D., & Lake, E. T. (2010). Understanding clinical expertise: nurse education, experience, and the hospital context. Research in Nursing & Health, 33(4), 276–287.

Monash University. (2016). The enrolled nurse (EN) scope of practice. Retrieved from

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016a). Registered nurse standards of practice.

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016b). Fact sheet: enrolled nurse and medicine administration. Retrieved from (2013). Assistant in nursing. Retrieved from


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