Roles of Political Protests in Policy Making and Changing

Roles of Political Protests in Policy Making and Changing What role do political protests play in policymaking or policy changing? What role do political protests play in policymaking or policy changing?

Roles of Political Protests in Policy Making and Changing
Roles of Political Protests in Policy Making and Changing

For this assignment, you are going to read about and research both historical and modern day political protests and then explain how these protests may impact decision-making in the government or social change. You will need to through the web links provided, and then do any extra research necessary to answer the questions below in essay format:


1.) After reading about the most influential protests from past and present, do you see any striking similarities between them? Any differences in the way they were conducted or their effectiveness?

Roles of Political Protests in Policy Making and Changing

2.) What significant protests are missing from these lists? In light of history repeating itself, what protests do we see being reinvented as a result of changes not being made fast enough or for problems that were not resolved in the past?

3.) Do you believe that most protests are more effective in making a social change versus a political one? Explain.

4.) Are protests effective in helping lawmakers more quickly act on issues simmering in society? Why or why not?

5.) How has technology impacted the need for physical protesting? Do you think social mediaprotesting” is as effective as physically showing up? Explain,

6.) Are there any issues in our country today that would tempt you to get involved with a protest? What issue and why? Would you be more willing to protest online versus in person?

Roles of Political Protests in Policy Making and Changing Formatting Guidelines

This assignment must follow MLA guidelines, be typed in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and be a minimum of 1000 words with works cited page. The works cited are not included in the minimum word count. Any articles/web links given in the assignment prompt MUST be cited in your paper and works cited. Any additional research must be cited as well.

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