Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage
Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage

Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Coverage

The initial post for the discussion question should be substantial, using multiple sources to clarify and support your answer. Use personal experiences, critical thinking, and analyze the information from your resources. A substantial initial no less than 200 words or two paragraphs explaining your position, all information needs citation and references. Include citations and references APA style format.
Choose one of the 22 health disparity topics fact sheets from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013, November 21).
Topic Table
(Topic of Choice);%20United%20States,%202009%E2%80%9310%20and%202010%E2%80%9311%3C/a%3E%20

Discuss the key findings, interventions and recommended actions to reduce the disparity.
Research the disparity and add some of the history or key points that you find.

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