Securing an Operating System in Windows and Mac

Securing an Operating System in Windows and Mac You are a security administrator responsible for providing secure configuration requirements for new laptop deployments.

Securing an Operating System in Windows and Mac
Securing an Operating System in Windows and Mac

After reading Module 2 of Certified Secure Computer User v2exercises, apply the configuration settings below on your Windows® or Mac® computer and take screenshots of each step:


Lock system when not in use

Create and change user account password

Disable Guest Account

Enable Automatic Software Updates

Enable Firewall

Create a New Firewall Rule

Turn on Windows Defender

Enable BitLocker

Decrypt file using EFS

Disable Unnecessary Services


Lock system when not in use

Disable Automatic Login

Enable Automatic Software updates

Disable Guest Account

Enable FileVault

Enable Firewall

Change Password at set intervals

Enable and set parental controls

Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied the configurations.

Write a 1-page explanation on how and why these settings create a secure operating system.

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