Security Threats and Appropriate Countermeasures

Security Threats and Appropriate Countermeasures You have been working as a technology associate in the information systems department at Corporation Techs for more than a month now. Your manager is very happy with your performance.

Security Threats and Appropriate Countermeasures
Security Threats and Appropriate Countermeasures

The company is planning a network expansion and the challenging role you have been craving is finally here. You have been asked to be a part of the expansion plan. Your job is to review the new network design, identify the possible security threats and appropriate countermeasures. Refer to the handout to understand the current network and new additions.

Security Threats and Appropriate Countermeasures Tasks

Provide a written report that should include a description of each threat and the countermeasure you identified for it.

Discuss the reasons to choose those countermeasures. In addition, discuss the benefits and limitations of each countermeasure. NOTE: It would behoove you to clearly delineate the security threats and countermeasures.

Required Resources



Handout: Selecting Security Countermeasures


Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word

Font: Arial, Size 12, Double-Space

Citation Style: APA

Length: 2–3 pages

Spelling & Grammar count

Self-Assessment Checklist

I identified at least four security threats the network expansion poses.

I researched and identified the appropriate countermeasures for the identified threats.

I identified reasons for choosing the countermeasures.

I discussed the benefits and limitations of each countermeasure.

(RS) Assignment 1: Selecting Security Countermeasures

Security Threats and Appropriate Countermeasures Assignment Requirements

You have been working as a technology associate in the information systems department at Corporation Techs for more than a month now. Your manager is very happy with your performance. The company is planning a network expansion and the challenging role you have been craving is finally here. You have been asked to be a part of the expansion plan. Your job is to review the new network design, identify the possible security threats and appropriate countermeasures. Refer to the handout to understand the current network and new additions.


Provide a written report that should include a description of each threat and the countermeasure you identified for it. Discuss the reasons to choose those countermeasures. In addition, discuss the benefits and limitations of each countermeasure. NOTE: It would behoove you to clearly delineate the security threats and countermeasures.

Security Threats and Appropriate Countermeasures Required Resources



Handout: Selecting Security Countermeasures


Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word

Font: Arial, Size 12, Double-Space

Citation Style: APA

Length: 2–3 pages

Spelling & Grammar count

Self-Assessment Checklist

I identified at least four security threats the network expansion poses.

I researched and identified the appropriate countermeasures for the identified threats.

I identified reasons for choosing the countermeasures.

I discussed the benefits and limitations of each countermeasure.

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