Senior Students Attitudes towards Advanced Technology

Senior Students Attitudes towards Advanced Technology in Tertiary Education Create two separate dialogues with 3 individuals in a group for an interview regarding the topic.

Senior Students Attitudes towards Advanced Technology
Senior Students Attitudes towards Advanced Technology
  1. Transcribe interviews verbatim. For each transcript highlight keywords or statements or sentences that relate to the research objective (the purpose of this study is to explore Master of Public Health senior college student’s attitudes, views, and experiences regarding learning in a technologically advanced environment) and make analysis comments.
  2. Also using the information highlighted in the interview, give a summary of what the key issues around the topic explored.
  3. Continue and/or add from this transcript below.
  4. Please add 10-15 questions regarding this topic.

Senior Students Attitudes towards Advanced Technology Qualitative Interview Guide

TOPIC: Senior Students’ Attitudes towards Advanced Technology in Tertiary Education

Purpose: To explore the Master of Public Health senior college student’s attitudes, views, and experiences regarding learning in a technologically advanced environment.

Senior Students Attitudes towards Advanced Technology Warm Up

Good day, my name is _____ and as a member of the same Master of Public Health program, I thought it would be very suitable and informative to interview you all to gain a better understanding of your attitudes, views, and experiences about learning in a technologically advanced environment at this University. Thank you so much for choosing to be a part of this interview. Please be advised that you are free to stop this interview at any point in time without penalty.

This interview should take about thirty minutes. Before we begin, I am kindly asking that you fill out this consent form that enlists any risks and benefits of this study. Your identities will be kept anonymous and any preliminary data found will be shared with you all.

Main interview section

  1. How do you feel about living in a technologically advanced world?

Probe: The perks vs. disadvantages, different technology platforms,

  1. Describe your experience so far in learning in a technology-charged environment?

Probe: Adjustments, Likes vs. dislikes, experience undergraduate degree vs now graduate degree

  1. Do you think it’s necessary to prepare MPH students with technology skills for the modern world in Public Health?

Probe: Why or Why not?

Senior Students Attitudes towards Advanced Technology Summarize

Give a summary of what was said and ensure that every participant covered everything that they wanted to discuss in the interview.

Closing Remarks:

Thank you all for your participation. Bringing awareness about student’s experiences and views learning in a technological environment is very essential.

This can help lecturers and program coordinators to understand why some students experience challenges and can assist with making the necessary changes so that it is adaptable for students of all ages.

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