Slavery System Syllabus States and Response

Slavery System Syllabus States and Response Your main post, in response to the required questions, will be at least 300 words (in the subject line, place a creative, the enticing title, the question number, and your citation style)

Slavery System Syllabus States and Response
Slavery System Syllabus States and Response

Each of your two weekly responses will be at least 100 words each response, In each post, display that you have engaged in the history being discussed.
Choose one of the below for your main post. Respond to 2 peers but one of the responses to at least one student who answered a
different question from you. The answers should come from your textbook, the lectures, videos, and the research you conducted
in the APUS Library.
1) Describe the systems of slavery that have existed in Africa since Ancient times and how is the slavery system used by
Are Africans and Arabs different from the New World slave systems developed under the Spanish, Dutch, French, and English?
2) Slave revolts: Analyze slave rebellions and revolts that occurred before 1800, and share with the class the history of at least
one slave revolt.
3) Why did the African leaders participate, along with Europeans, in the enslavement of other Africans in the Atlantic slave trade
? What factors played a role in their decisions to participate?
4) Why and how did African American slavery arise in the Chesapeake region in the 1600s? How did this experience of enslavement
differ from that of the Carolinas and the northern colonies? How did slavery differ in the Spanish borderlands and
French Louisiana?
5) Everyone answer: What did you find new or surprising in your learning this week?
Last part: At the end of your post please comment in one paragraph on what you have learned that was new, surprising, and
interesting. .
Here are some great books from our APUS library to help:
Anatomy of a Slave Insurrection: The Shipwreck of the Vautour on the West Coast of Madagascar in 1725
by Arne Bialuschewski
If We Must Die: Shipboard Insurrections in the Era of the Atlantic Slave Trade
by Taylor, Eric Robert
Slave Revolts And Insurrections by Bennett, Leron
NewYork Slave Insurrection (1741)by Corfield, Justin
Why didn’t slaves revolt more often during the Middle Passage? by Marcum, Andrew; Skarbek, David
From Rebellion to Revolution : Afro-American Slave Revolts in the Making of the Modern World by Genovese, Eugene D
Did a Fear of Slave Revolts Drive American Independence? by ROBERT G PARKINSON

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