Smartphones Monitoring our Conversations

Smartphones Monitoring our Conversations Are smartphones monitoring our conversations? Should we be concerned?

Smartphones Monitoring our Conversations
Smartphones Monitoring our Conversations

For this assignment, you will be expected to develop a four-to-five-page(~1000-1500 words) paper that has at least two other academic
sources—books, or journal articles. You may supplement these resources
with others as necessary: newspaper articles, non-peer reviewed web
writing, and other reliable sources of factual information. MUST BE
FROM A SCHOLARLY SOURCE!!! Please include the URL at the bottom of
the paper. The vast majority of people in developed countries now carry a smartphone everywhere. And while many of us are already well aware of privacy issues associated with smartphones, as their ability to track our movements or even take surreptitious photos, an increasing number of people are starting to worry that their smartphone is actually listening to everything they say.

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