Social and Developmental Psychology

Social and Developmental Psychology Coursework Assignment 1 Developmental Psychology

Assignment Brief Learning Outcomes: The Assignment should be able to: Knowledge and understanding Intellectual, practical, effective and transferable skills

Social and Developmental Psychology
Social and Developmental Psychology
  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of developmental theories and topics.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of group norms and social influence processes including cultural influences, group interactions, leadership, and member roles.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of research paradigms, methodological approaches and basic measurement and analytical techniques as well as ethical considerations related to developmental and social psychology.

4. Recognize different perspectives or theories of developmental and social psychology.

5.Integrate ideas and findings through appropriately linking

Theories and research evidence in developmental and social psychology.

6. Show understanding of research related to developmental and social psychology, examining practical, theoretical and ethical issues.

The assignment should include a title page, the module, a word count; the appendices if

relevant; and a reference list in the correct format. You should address all the elements of the

assignment task listed below.

Maximum word count: 3000 wordsAssignment Task

Social and Developmental Psychology Assignment 1

You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below.

There are two questions for this Assignment. You must answer both questions. You are

required to write a 2000 word essay on developmental psychology and write a 1000 word case study, also on developmental psychology, a total of 3000 words .

Question 1: Essay (Maximum word count – 2000 words)

Write a 2000 word essay:

Discuss and evaluate theories of cognitive development in childhood and adolescence.

Use information from developmental psychology theories starting with the classic theories of

Piaget and Vygotsky, and research evidence/literature to take this forward into the present.

(Cognition includes thought and the developmental stages, thinking skills, learning and language.)

This essay must address Learning Outcomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 in relation to developmental


Social and Developmental Psychology Guidance

You will find it useful to use ‘cognitive development’’ as a search term when locating literature.

  1. a) Introduction
  • Introduce the notion of cognitive development and related concepts. Relate this to childhood

and adolescence.

  • Provide an overview of what you intend to do in this essay and the structure.• Set up an argument or hypothesis
  1. b) Main body of essay
  • Provide a discussion of theories of cognitive development in childhood and adolescence using

developmental psychology theories and research material. Structure this section using paragraphs, each with a main idea and no more than a third of a page long.

  • Address the essay question throughout and further your argument.
  1. c) Social and Developmental Psychology Conclusion

  • Pull your argument together with a firm conclusion.
  • Your conclusion should address intentions referred to in the introduction.End of Question 1

Question 2: Case study

(Maximum word count – 1000 words)

Case Study

A national charity for the aged, Age Care, have asked you, as a psychologist working with the

elderly, to provide information for their staff on the effects of aging on the mind and memory.

Discuss developmental theories and research evidence related to the effects of aging on the mind and memory.

The case study must be related to developmental psychology, starting with theories from the learning resources, Cowan, Bahrick et al., Tulving and Cohen. Remember to cover Learning

Outcomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.

You will find it useful to use ‘mind and memory’ as search terms when locating literature. The

assignment will be written in essay style, making reference to the case study.

  1. a) Introduction
  • Introduce the nature of mind, memory and ageing.
  • Introduce the type of information on the topic.
  • Provide an overview of what you intend to do in this essay and the structure.• Set up an

argument or hypothesis.

  1. b) Main body of essay
  • Provide information aimed at the community education group and mind, memory and ageing

using developmental psychology theories and research material. Structure this section using

paragraphs, each with a main idea and no more than a third of a page long.

  • Address the case study question and relate your discussion to the case study throughout and

further your argument.

  1. c) Conclusion
  • Pull your argument together with a firm conclusion.
  • Your conclusion should address intentions referred to in the introduction and

relate to the case study.

Guidelines for referencing Psychology are as follows;

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide

ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the APA system.You must use the APA Referencing method in this essay.

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide

ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system.

Introduction to Social and Developmental


Assignment 2 Social Psychology

Assignment Brief

Learning Outcomes: The Assignment should be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Intellectual, practical, affective and transferable skills

  1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of developmental theories and topics.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of group norms and social influence processes including cultural influences, group interactions, leadership and member roles.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of research paradigms, methodological approaches and basic measurement and analytical techniques as well as ethical considerations related to developmental and social psychology.

4.Recognise different perspectives or theories of developmental and social psychology.

5.Integrate ideas and findings through appropriately linking

Theories and research evidence in developmental and social psychology.

6.Show understanding of research related to developmental and social psychology, examining practical, theoretical and ethical issues.

The assignment should include a title page, the module name, a word count; the appendices if

relevant; and a reference list in the correct format. You should address all the elements of the

assignment task listed below.

Maximum word count: 3000 words

Assignment TaskAssignment 2

You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below.

There are two questions (Tasks) for this Coursework Assignment. You must answer both


You are required to write a 2000 word essay on social psychology and write a 1000 word case

study, also on social psychology, a total of 3000 words. This assignment accounts for 50% of

the module assessment.

Question 1: Essay

(Maximum word count – 2000 words)

Write a 2000 word essay:

Discuss and evaluate theory and research on intra-group behavior, conformity, and group


A starting point f or this essay would be to use the theories/theorists cited in the learning

materials, Moreland & Levine, Garfinkel and build on these to include more recent material from

research studies and literature.

Stay focused on the assignment question and do not get side-tracked. Theories and material

outside of the focus of assignment question are not relevant.

Use information from social psychology theories and research evidence. This essay must

address Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in relation to social psychology.


You will find it useful to use ‘intra-group behavior, conformity, and group norms’ as search

terms when locating literature.

  1. a) Introduction
  • Introduce the nature of intra-group behavior, conformity, and group norms.• Provide an

overview of what you intend to do in this essay and the structure.• Set up an argument or


  1. b) Main body of essay
  • Provide a discussion of ‘intra-group behaviour, conformity and group norms’’ using social

psychology theories and research material. Structure this section using paragraphs, each with a

main idea and no more than a third of a page long.

  • Address the essay task throughout and further your argument.c) Conclusion
  • Pull your argument together with a firm conclusion.
  • Your conclusion should address intentions referred to in the introduction.

End of Question 1

Question 2: Case study

(Maximum word count – 1000 words) Case Study

A new local housing estate group has just formed to work on improving relationships with the

housing estate population and the local police. However, the group dynamics have been difficult

with arguments and difficult behaviors among group members.

The group members are people who have lived in the area for many years and also some who

have just moved in over the past year or two. Some of the group members are concerned that

they will not get to the point where the task is carried out successfully.

Does theory and research on group dynamics help to explain what may be happening in this


Discuss and evaluate theories and research on group dynamics in the context of this


Use information from social psychology theories and research evidence. This assignment

should be written in essay style and must address Learning Outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 in relation to

social psychology.

  1. a) Introduction

Introduce the nature of group dynamics.

Provide an overview of what you intend to do in this case study report and

the structure.

  1. b) Main Body Of Case Study Report

Provide a discussion of group dynamics related to the case study material using social

Psychology theories and research material.

Structure this section using paragraphs, each with a main idea and no more than a third

of a page long.●

Address the assigned task and relate your discussion to the case study material

throughout and further your argument.

  1. c) Conclusion

Pull your argument together with a firm conclusion.

Your conclusion should address intentions referred to in the introduction and

relate to the case study material.

Guidelines for referencing Psychology are as follows;

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide

ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the APA system.

You must use the APA Referencing method in this essay.

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide

ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system.

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