Sociology James Gustav Speths America the Possible

Sociology James Gustav Speths America the Possible You must make your arguments with reference to readings. You must include quotes from authors but also put the author’s arguments in your own words.

Sociology James Gustav Speths America the Possible
Sociology James Gustav Speths America the Possible

Short answers: Answer in 1-2 pages each 1. what part of James Gustav Speth’s “America the Possible”, did you find to be most interesting? The most important? Why? 2. What is “degrowth”? What does Robert Pollin say is the problem with the idea? Do you agree? Sources: Long Essay: Answer in 3-4 pages 1. How do we defend nature and build an ecologically sustainable future while supporting a “just transition” for all people? Be sure to discuss concrete policies and strategies in your answer. Source:

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