Sociology of Development Coursework Essay Topics:
Choose any ONE of the following:

1) Critically assess the following: (a) what do we mean by development? (b) What indices are used to measure it? (c) How useful are these indices? (d) Is
development the same as progress?
2) Utilizing the work of a variety of different theorist’s like Warren assess the impact colonial and imperialist policies had on development in the so-called
‘Third World’.
3) What are the principal features, dynamics, and contradictions of the capitalist mode of production?
4) Critically evaluate the work of Rostow, Frank, and Wallerstein on development drawing out the key differences between each perspective.
5) Utilizing the work of Brenner consider the origins of capital accumulation and capitalist development and what unique insights he brings to the discussion
of development.
6) Drawing on the work of a variety of contemporary theorists critically evaluate the Globalisation discourse.