Sociology Paper Assignment Requirements

Sociology Paper Assignment Requirements Assignment Requirements:
Answer each of the three questions below separately using about one-and-a-half to two pages per question (with the exception of question #1, see below).

Sociology Paper Assignment Requirements
Sociology Paper Assignment Requirements

Therefore, the paper that you submit should be at least five, but not more than eight, pages in length. Remember: each question has multiple parts so make sure you address all parts of the question.
Papers will be graded according to how well you: 1) paraphrase and reformulate key ideas and concepts from the texts in your own words, as opposed to overusing direct quotes and passages from the text; 2) thoughtfully apply key concepts and ideas from the text; 3) synthesize material from the course readings by drawing connections between key concepts and ideas when appropriate; 4) illustrate key points in your answer with concrete examples from the course readings; 5) address all components of each question; 6) produce a paper that is well organized, clearly written, and contains few spelling or grammatical errors; 7) properly cite sources.

Sociology Paper Assignment Requirements Questions

1. First, read the NYT article about Apple computers). Next, discuss how a sociologist using a Marxian theoretical framework would explain working conditions within these factories and Apple?s response to them. (Your answer to this question should be between two and three-and-a-half pages. Remember to apply specific Marxian concepts in your answer and draw on the relevant readings)
Apple article:
Marxian Article: Sociology Paper Assignment Requirements
2. According to theorists Kingsley Davis and Wilbur Moore, why is class stratification a necessary and universal feature of human societies? In what way(s) is Davis and Moore?s analysis of class inequality in society different from Karl Marx?s analysis?
Reading for understanding class stratification:
Article of class stratification:
3. As discussed by Juliet Schor, how have consumer patterns in the United States changed within the last several decades? According to Schor, what are some of the social forces that have brought about this change in consumer patterns? And, finally, what are some of the consequences of this change in consumer patterns, both for individuals and society as a whole? Sociology Paper Assignment Requirements
Juliet Schor article:
Juliet Schor Reading:–ANewEconomicCritiqueOfConsumerSociety.htm

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