Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology

Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology takes up 25% Percent of the whole grade (not counting the extra point question) for this

Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology
Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology

Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology Each answer should be no less than one page, double space (Please, use Times New Roman
11, normal margination.) Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology Your answer to each question should be in the form of a short essay. As a
take home exam, you can use the text book and your class note. Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology

Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology Preferred Reference Sources

Any other sources are NOT allowed
to be used in the exam, and may be regarded as cheating once found. Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology Please work on the exam
independently, and do not discuss with your classmate or any other people. It is also regarded as
cheating.  Any cheating found in the exams will result in a grade of zero for your mid-term exam.
1. Summarize Socrates’ account of wisdom in Apology, and explain why does Socrates think it is
important to pursue wisdom? How does it contribute to true happiness for human being? (7%)
2. In Plato’s Republic, he argues that a just life is better than an unjust life. Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology Please summarize his
main argument in Book IV of Republic, using the city-soul analogy. (10%)
3. In Book VII and VIII of the Republic, Plato uses three images: the analogy of the sun, the divided
line, and the allegory of the cave, basically for the same purpose. Describe the three images. Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology
How are they connected to each other? What does Plato attempt to convey to us through the
three images? What is the role of them in the main argument in the Republic? (8%)
4. Extra Point Question: Summarize and compare Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle’s account of
happiness and virtue? What do they share? Socrates Account of Wisdom in Apology How are they different? Whose account do you
think to be the best? Why? (7%)
Each answer should be about one page!! Therefore, it is going to be 3 pages in total

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