Sport in Society Paper Term Paper

Sport in Society Paper
Sport in Society Paper

Sport in Society Paper

Essay based on a specific topic or issue (CHOOSE TOPIC FROM ATTACHED DOCUMENT). Each essay will be no less than 1,500 words (should more likely be closer to 2,000 words) and no more than 2,500 words, including references.

Each essay will critically examine a current event, team, celebrity, organization, or other aspect of contemporary sport culture. To do this, you will need to offer an interpretive analysis of the social, economic, or political problems created by this site of analysis. In other words, the aim of each essay is to develop a thesis which suggests or implicates a social problem acting upon, or through, popular sport; and builds upon that central claim to create a thorough interrogation of how this sporting phenomenon adversely shapes social attitudes, creates divisive ideologies, perpetuates uneven commercial relations, or engenders oppression of some kind. These essays are not book reports. You should not write essays that detail the auto-biographical on-goings of the world of sport. Rather, you will use your essay to create a series of arguments (based on research), and integrate both theoretical frameworks and real world examples to support your assertions. In short, you will respond to the following essay prompt: “how does one unique sporting phenomenon adversely/critically influence social, cultural, and/or economic relations in contemporary U.S. (or elsewhere) society?”

Essay Grading Criteria

1) Essay Structure (10pts)

A: The essay includes: Essay Title; a 1,500 word minimum response; and, a full reference list of all works cited.

10 pts
B: The essay does not include ONE of the following: Essay Title; a 1,500 word minimum response; and, a full reference list of all works cited. 8.5 pts
C: The essay does not include TWO of the following: Essay Title; a 1,500 word minimum response; and, a full reference list of all works cited. 7.5 pts
D: The essay does not include THREE of the following: Essay Title; a 1,500 word minimum response; and, a full reference list of all works cited. 6.5 pts
F: The essay does not include ANY of the following: Essay Title; a 1,500 word minimum response; and, a full reference list of all works cited. 0 pts

2) Correct Spelling and Grammatical Style (5pts)

A: The essay consistently shows correct spelling and grammatical style, and is made up of thematically focused paragraphs comprising related sentences. Shows evidence of having been proofread before submission. 5pts
B: The essay largely, but not consistently, shows correct spelling and grammatical style, and/or is made up of a majority of thematically focused paragraphs comprising related sentences. Is readable, but should have been more closely proofread before submission. 4.25
C: The essay shows inconsistency in correct spelling and grammatical style, and/or shows a minority of thematically focused paragraphs comprising related sentences. Only small evidence of having been proofread before submission. 3.75
D: The essay shows poor levels of correct spelling and grammatical style, and/or shows little evidence of thematically focused paragraphs comprising related sentences. Does not appear to have been proofread at all before submission 3.25
F: The essay shows a disregard for following correct spelling and grammatical style rules. Clearly has not been proofread. 0pts

3) Citation and Referencing (5pts)

A: The essay consistently follows the in-text citation and reference list format as outlined in the APA Style Guide (available online or in the library) 5pts
B: The essay largely, but not consistently, follows the in-text citation and reference list format as outlined in the APA Style Guide.

C: The essay shows inconsistency in following the in-text citation and reference list format as outlined in the APA Style Guide. 3.75pts
D: The essay shows little evidence of following the in-text citation and reference list format as outlined in the APA Style Guide. 3.25pts
F: The essay shows no discernible utilization of the in-text citation and reference list format as outlined in the APA Style Guide. 0pts

4) Directly Answers Question (20pts)

A: The essay is clearly a direct response to the essay prompt 20pts
B: The essay focuses largely, but not exclusively on the essay prompt. At times the essay deviates from the central focus. 17pts
C: The essay is broadly based on the essay prompt, but does not directly provide a clear or direct response to the issue posed. 15pts
D: The essay is, at best, only loosely related to the focus of the essay prompt. 14pts
F: The essay has no relevance to the essay prompt. 0pts

5) Narrative Focus and Format (20pts)

A: The essay presents an extremely well structured and corroborated argument based around an identifiable structure (including introduction, body of text, and conclusion). 20pts
B: The essay presents an extremely well structured and corroborated argument, but lacks a clear and identifiable structure (including introduction, body of text, and conclusion) 17pts
C: The essay presents a moderately well structured and corroborated argument, and/or it lacks a clear and identifiable structure (including introduction, body of text, and conclusion). 15pts
D: The essay presents a poorly structured and corroborated argument, and/or it lacks a clear and identifiable structure (including introduction, body of text, and conclusion). 14pts
F: The essay lacks a structured and corroborated argument, and clear and identifiable structure (including introduction, body of text, and conclusion). 0pts

6) Uses Course Concepts and Readings (20pts)

A: The essay engages, and uses appropriately, THREE additional academic sources. 20pts
B: The essay engages, and uses appropriately, TWO additional academic sources. 17pts
C: The essay engages, and uses appropriately, ONE additional academic source 15pts
D: The essay engages additional sources, however, they are used inappropriately and/or are not appropriate academic sources 14pts
F: The essay fails to engage, and use appropriately, ANY additional academic sources (in addition to those provided on the course website). 0pts

7) Additional Research (20pts)

A: The essay engages, and uses appropriately, THREE additional academic sources (in addition to those provided on the course website). 20 pts
B: The essay engages, and uses appropriately, TWO additional academic source s (in addition to those provided on the course website). 17pts
C: The essay engages, and uses appropriately, ONE additional academic source (in addition to those provided on the course website) 15pts
D: The essay engages additional sources, however, they are used inappropriately and/or are not appropriate academic sources. 14pts
F: The essay fails to engage, and use appropriately, ANY additional academic sources (in addition to those provided on the course website). 0pts

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