Supporting a Safe Environment for Alzheimers Order Instructions: Scenario: Alzheimer’s disease is a condition with an increasing incidence in our population.

There is no differential diagnosis, so the onset of the disease may go unnoticed by others. By the time a person reaches the moderate stage of the disease, manifestations are quite apparent to others and the required level of care often places tremendous strain on the caregiver. Caregiver role strain is a nursing diagnosis that is frequently applied in the situation.
Supporting a Safe Environment for Alzheimers Answer the following Questions
1- Since patient wandering and confusion are common for the person with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease, what would the RN teach the family about maintaining a safe environment? Provide three examples.
2- How would the RN adjust the teaching based on the family’s educational level, socioeconomic status or culture? Provide two examples
3- What are common symptoms of caregiver role strain?
4- Provide one nursing diagnosis statement (statement must include an actual nursing diagnosis, related factor and as evidenced by) that may be appropriate for a patient with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s disease.
Requirements & Attention to the writer, Make sure the following is accomplished with this paper:
1-Please focus on answering the questions and supporting your answers with the evidence.
2-Once you have thoroughly completed this objective expand on the subject a little
3-Please support the intervention directly.
4- APA style
5- 1 page long 275 words Minimum or more.
6- Provide 2 citations, one from either or textbook listed below.
Thanks for your attention to the requirements and details. Questions let me know.
Supporting a Safe Environment for Alzheimers Required Materials
Textbooks (Chapter numbers and titles may differ in subsequent editions of a given textbook. If your edition is different, use the Table of Contents in the textbook to locate the appropriate chapters to read):
1- Hinkle, J., & Cheever, K. (2013). Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing (13th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
2- Kee, J., Hayes, E., & McCuistion, L. (2015). Pharmacology: A nursing process approach (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
3- Nursing Diagnosis Guidebook – A pocket-size nursing diagnosis guidebook of your choice that is no more than one edition old, that includes NANDA International-approved nursing diagnoses, definitions, defining characteristics, and possible nursing Interventions.
4- Pillitteri, A. (2014). Maternal and Child Health Nursing (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
5- Townsend, M.C. (2015). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Concepts of Care in Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.
Required & Textbooks and chapters to read and get answers:
Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing **
• Chapter 11: Health Care of the Older Adult (section on “Mental Health Problems in the Older Adult”)
• Chapter 20: Central Nervous System Stimulants (section on “Amphetamines”)
• Chapter 23: Drugs for Neurological Disorders: Parkinsonism and Alzheimer’s Disease (section on “Alzheimer’s Disease”)
• Chapter 27: Antipsychotics and Anxiolytics (section on “Antipsychotic Agents”)
Nursing Diagnosis
• Use your chosen Nursing Diagnosis Guidebook to review the nursing diagnoses specific to the content covered in this module.
Maternal and Child Health Nursing**
• Chapter 54: Nursing Care of a Family When a Child Has a Cognitive or Mental Health Disorder
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing**
• Chapter 22: Neurocognitive Disorders
• Chapter 24: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
• Chapter 33: Children and Adolescents (sections on “Autism Spectrum Disorder” and “Intellectual Development Disorder”)
• Chapter 34: The Aging Individual (section on “Psychological Aspects of Aging”)
Web-Based and Other Professional Resources:
• Haywire: Children living with schizophrenia**
• Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
Supporting a Safe Environment for Alzheimers Sample Answer
Date of Submission:
Provision of a safe environment for the Alzheimer’s disease patients is essential as the initial step in the management of their condition. It is the responsibility of the RN to provide sufficient teachings to the patients and the family on safety tips and the intervention techniques adopted to handle the disease (Townsend, 2015). Encouraging the members of the family to ensure the patient is granted the independence to safeguard his/her safety and that of others is one teaching provided by RN. Supporting the person’s needs by encouraging social interaction while also ensuring safety devices such as fire extinguishers are working is another vital teaching provided by RN to enhance the safe environment for the patient. Stressing on the importance of diet by instructing on the number of foods served on the plate to prevent the patient from having troubles making a decision is vital measures taught by the RN (Townsend, 2015). Creation of a routine for the activities that the patients take place it is essential in helping them to avoid confusion.
The RN is supposed to ensure the teachings are tailored to the cultural, educational level and the socioeconomic status of the specific patient and their families. The intellectual ability of the patient and the family is a crucial factor where the nurse should not talk them down (Kee et al, 2015). An example is the use of simplified language and oral education rather than using teaching materials such as PowerPoint and handbooks in case the patient and the family have low education level. Based on the socioeconomic status the RN should adjust the teaching by first helping the family and the patient to handle the challenges before imposing additional stress of adopting a new skill or learning new information concerning safety (Townsend, 2015). Ensuring no one stereotyped and safeguarding the cultural values and interests of the patients during teaching is vital.
Depression and feeling guilty is one symptom of the caregiver strain. It occurs due to their perceived ability to perform the roles effectively due to various challenges thus leading to the depression of the caregiver. Physical and emotional exhaustion is another common indicator of care give role strain. Anxiety and stress that can lead to sickness are symptoms that show the strain of the caregiver who perceives his/her efforts to be fruitless and thus demoralized and hopelessness results (Kee et al, 2015). The use of tests such as hippocampal atrophy to detect the memory loss which is a major symptom among other through brain imaging and blood tests is a differential diagnosis for the disease.
Supporting a Safe Environment for Alzheimers References
Kee, J., Hayes, E., & McCuistion, L. (2015). Pharmacology: A nursing process approach (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Townsend, M.C. (2015). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Concepts of Care in Evidence-Based Practice (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.