Teaching Japanese 100 Level Assignment

Teaching Japanese 100 Level
Teaching Japanese 100 Level

Teaching Japanese 100 Level

Order Instructions:

You must refer to the compulsory reading for your chosen topic (see below)

Structure of the research assignment
Your research assignment should be structured in essay format with an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
In your introduction, you should provide a context for your discussion. The context is background information that helps the reader to understand:
What your discipline area is and what your micro-teaching topic is.
Why the assignment topic is relevant to learning and teaching in your discipline area in general and to your micro-teaching topic in particular.
My topic is teaching Japanese 100 level.

Write in paragraph form. Dot points or numbered points are not acceptable. Subheadings are not required.
For this assignment it is acceptable to use first person (e.g. ‘I’, ‘my’)


Teaching Japanese 100 Level

Micro-teaching as a technique can be employed in teaching several languages and issues. One of the teaching areas that can be enhanced using micro-teaching is the teaching of Japanese 100 level. Micro-teaching and the teaching of Japanese 100 Level have a robust relationship, which is based on the relevance of the teaching Japanese 100 Level to micro-teaching. Besides, my micro-teaching topic, which is teaching Japanese 100 Level, is relevant to the learning and teaching in several ways. Taking these aspects into consideration, there is a need to comprehend what micro-teaching and teaching Japanese 100 Level involves alongside the relevance of teaching Japanese 100 Level to micro-teaching.

Micro-teaching refers to a technique that is aimed at practicing and improving teaching skills. This technique often takes into consideration a lesson that is based on one/single teaching skill/expertise that is observed during a limited period, such a single class session. A video is often employed in recording the teaching session after which it is evaluated and the teaching skill analyzed. In the teaching of Japanese 100 Level, educators should avoid being extremely open about their affective goals/objectives despite being worried about the charges of brainwashing or indoctrination (Magdalena, Francisco & Garcia, 2008). Micro-teaching takes into consideration six steps that include planning the topic of the lesson, employing a targeted skill in teaching the lesson, collecting feedback’s from the performances of trainees, re-planning with the aim of modifying the plan in relation to the feedback, re-teaching the lesson and integrating changes, and completing the re-feedback in relation to the modified behavior of the trainees.

Micro-teaching acts as an efficient tool for improving/advancing and mastering specific/particular teaching expertise by modifying the behavior of teaching and employing real situations of teaching (Magdalena, Francisco & Garcia, 2008). In relation to this, the complexity associated with the process of teaching is reduced to controllable and observable teaching contexts, which enable trainees to enhance techniques in a basic sequence of steps. Considering this aspect, it can be argued that micro-teaching is skill-oriented.

Japanese 100 Level takes into consideration the teaching of the Japanese language. Some of the materials that can be employed in teaching Japanese 100 Level are the Genki I work book and textbook. In relation to this, learners can be made to learn Japanese starting from the basic components/constituents of this language to its complex components (Magdalena, Francisco & Garcia, 2008). This topic focuses on teaching learners how to read and write in Katakana and Hiragana. In addition, this topic also focuses on ensuring that learners are acquainted with at least 145 Kanji. Some of the methods that can be employed in equipping learners with knowledge in Japanese are homework, speaking assignments, wring assignments and tests.

The teaching of this topic can also be enhanced by using skills such as teaching learners at the pace that deserves them. Moreover, techniques such as discussions, peer involvement, problem-based learning, simulations, engaging with role models, group analysis and perspective/opinion sharing via reflection can also be employed in enhancing the teaching of this topic (Magdalena, Francisco & Garcia, 2008). Appropriate employment of multimedia can also help in triggering responses from learners in relation to the learning of Japanese 100 Level. The completion of the 12 chapters, which are associated with Genki amounts to the completion of the Japanese 100 Level course.

Educators should also take into consideration the affective domain when teaching Japanese 100 Level. Affect domain takes into consideration individual’s values, behaviors, and attitudes. It also includes the ability/potential to listen, respond/reaction interactions with others, demonstrate values or attitudes’ appropriateness to certain circumstances, demonstrate consideration and balance, and ability to display dedication to principles practice on a routine basis (Magdalena, Francisco & Garcia, 2008). Furthermore, educators should also manage to revise their judgment or decisions and change/alter behavior in relation to new evidences encountered in the teaching process.

The assignment topic, which involves the extension of my micro-teaching activity into 1 hour lecture on my micro-teaching topic, is relevant to learning and teaching within my discipline area. Taking into consideration the fact that learners often benefit more from face-to-face teaching session, this assignment topic helps in equipping individuals with skills on face-to-face teaching. In relation to this, the assignment topic is relevant to the discipline of micro-teaching, which requires face-to-face confrontation of learners. Being that teaching of languages such as Japanese 100 Level requires face-to-face encounter with learners, this assignment topic is relevant to my micro-teaching topic, which is teaching Japanese 100 Level. Learners’ understanding of languages can is often enhanced when they can observe the educator. Pronouncing of certain words require that the leaner observe the educator’s gestures. Besides, words that express emotions can be comprehended in an effective manner when learners can observe the gestures of educators (Magdalena, Francisco & Garcia, 2008). Being that this assignment topic allows for face-to-face encounter with learners it facilitates the understanding of my chosen topic.

In conclusion, micro-teaching is a technique, which focused on aimed at practicing and advancing teaching skills. One the topics involved in this discipline is teaching Japanese 100 Level.  The assignment activity issued in the course allows for the face-to-face encounter with learners, which makes it relevant to micro-teaching discipline and my micro-teaching topic.


Magdalena, S; Francisco, L; García, R, (2008). Learning outcomes for sustainable development in higher education. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 9(3). 339-351  https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ808628

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