Teen Girls Captured for Human Trafficking in Sex Trade

Teen Girls Captured for Human Trafficking in Sex Trade Here is the instruction please read and answer the question:

Teen Girls Captured for Human Trafficking in Sex Trade
Teen Girls Captured for Human Trafficking in Sex Trade

People can feel trapped by internal as well as external factors. External situations are more visible: poverty, unemployment, racism, abusive relationships, violence, injustice….Internal factors can be just as compelling, but external factors are all calls to action for social justice.

Teen girls captured for human trafficking in the sex trade.

Then answer these questions in 5 separate paragraphs

  1. How can a nurse make sense of the travesty of oppression that causes so much human suffering?
  2. What moral obligation do nurses have to prevent human entrapment rather than just caring for victims of violence? How could nurses advocate for an end to oppressive conditions such as poverty and racism?
  3. When nurses observe an underserved population trapped by one or more of these external factors, .what should be done? How should a nurse begin to mobilize awareness to address issues entrapping the population being served?
  4. How does the Code guide the nurse in mobilizing forces to address this social issue?
  5. If nurses ignore forces trapping the population they serve, what is the most likely set of outcomes five years from now?

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Times New Roman 12 point

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