Ten Strategies to Consider when Defining Quality of Life

Ten Strategies to Consider when Defining Quality of Life For this quiz 2, I would like you to consider and how you would define “quality of life.”

Ten Strategies to Consider when Defining Quality of Life
Ten Strategies to Consider when Defining Quality of Life

In approximately 2 pages and using short
answers, please define 10 strategies that you would consider when defining the quality of life. This becomes a checklist you might use to ensure that you (as a provider, resident, or resident advocate) are able to maximize the quality of every day
when being cared for. As you know, LTC comes in many fashions, starting with community-based care all the way to institutional-based
Please consider creativity and individual likes/dislikes when completing this quiz.
Please also include a cover page and reference page as needed.
Think of yourself as the family member of a loved one who needs LTC, how can you ensure the quality of life for your loved one,
what strategies might you explore to ensure that your loved one is in a good place, physically, mentally, spiritually, etc.
Be creative with your response, you as a family member can really contribute to the well being (quality of life) of your loved
one. Tell a story on how you would plan and implement taking good care of your loved one. Maybe as a twist, pretend
that it is you that needs care, and tell this story.

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