Tensions between the claim to individual autonomy and the obligation to conform to the expectations of the wider community.
Order Instructions:
Drawing on the readings and lectures for this topic, examine the tensions between the claim to individual autonomy and the obligation to conform to the expectations of the wider community. Answer with reference to one of the following issues: immigration, immunisation, obesity, euthanasia, same sex marriage.
The Tensions between the Claim to Individual Autonomy and the Obligation to Conform to the Expectations of the Wider Community
Conformity, which is the act of toning behaviors, believes, and attitudes to group norms, holds much to the social role (Westring & Ryan, 2010). Social role is an expected behavior and is viewed to be normal within a particular society and any behavior that contrasts it will be viewed to be abnormal (Westring & Ryan, 2010). The ever changing society presented a scenario where individuals in the society tend to come up with such behaviors that have, since the time immemorial, been considered as unacceptable in the society. Such people tend to justify their behavior by citing the existing laws that tend to protect individual rights. Tension has, therefore, built up between such claims of individual autonomy and what the wider community expects from such individual. This paper looks into a behavior that has of late taken the center stage in several communities and greatly contrasts what such communities expect, which is same sex marriage.
There are various unrelenting efforts to make same sex marriage a normal occurrence in the society, and this is mostly in the western world (Westring & Ryan, 2010). Contrastingly, most of these countries are anchored upon Christian norms. It is quite clear in the Holy Bible that God condemns same sex marriage and anyone practicing this would be committing great sin against the will of their Creator. In a bid to safeguard the principles of Christianity, Christian religious leaders are constantly at loggerheads with the various leaders in the government who are fighting for gay rights.
Fundamental human rights and freedoms should be obeyed to the latter. In fact, appropriate action should be taken against those who are found guilty of stripping one of one’s rights. Right to self-decision and privacy is paramount and everybody should be granted despite one’s religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and region of origin (Westring & Ryan, 2010). The United Nations has indeed done a good job in clearly spelling out the action to be taken against people who violet human rights and freedom.
Ethics, however, has to be maintained in the society. Take a case where there would be same sex marriages all over the human race such that no one is yearning to marry the opposite sex. Naturally, there would be no procreation. After a century or two, the whole human race would be wiped out of the earth. Various religious books clearly state that procreation was one of the fundamental obligations tasked to man by the supernatural being. In any eventuality that man will neglect this duty then they shall have gone against the will of their creator and the community’s expectations.
The above discussed facts portray tension that has built up in a gay society that is made up of Christian individuals. Those who intend to practice or who are already into the same sex marriages will satisfactorily justify their acts. The society, which in this case in the Christian perspective, will also have its own reason to oppose such acts. This has indeed created a tensed society where there is constant push and pull with each side vindicating its stance on this particular issue of same sex marriage
Westring, A. & Ryan A. 2010. Personality and inter-role conflict and enrichment. Journal of Human Relations 63: 1815-1827.
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