Terms of Stephensons Ideas and Science Fiction

Terms of Stephensons Ideas and Science Fiction https://www.wired.com/2011/10/stephenson-innovation-starvation/
This is the link of the data that requires for this writing.

Terms of Stephensons Ideas and Science Fiction
Terms of Stephensons Ideas and Science Fiction

And this is the instruction that my instructor asked me to do.
Find 3 examples or pieces of evidence that might be used to support Stephenson’s claim that we are not getting Big Things Done. Cite your sources, and explain how your examples/evidence related to his ideas.
Find 3 examples or pieces of evidence that might be used to dispute Stephenson’s claim that we are not getting Big Things Done. Cite your sources, and explain how your examples/evidence related to his ideas.
Find 2 examples of Science Fiction – films, novels, tv series, etc.
Discuss them in terms of Stephenson’s ideas. Are they examples of the Hieroglyph theory? How so? Are they depictions of technology that play up the dangers and therefore might stanch research and development of that technology? How so?

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