Terrorism of the Criminal Code and Update the Statute

Terrorism of the Criminal Code and Update the Statute Part VII: Update the Statute (1 mark)

Terrorism of the Criminal Code and Update the Statute
Terrorism of the Criminal Code and Update the Statute

Update Part II.1, Terrorism of the Criminal Code

  • List 3 sections from Part II.1 of Criminal Code that has been added, amended or repealed.

o Make sure to indicate whether each section has been added, amended or repealed.

o Make sure to indicate the year in which each section was added, amended or repealed.

Part VIII: Previous version of the statute (1 mark)

Section 83.07(1) of the Criminal Codeexisted in a previous version of the Criminal Code.

  • Locate the previous version of this section and explain what change(s) were made to this section.

Part IX: Delegated Legislation: Regulations Made Under the Criminal Code (1 Mark) under the criminal code

  • Locate the Order Declaring an Amnesty Period (2018)regulation.
  • Provide the correct citation for this regulation.
  • Briefly explain what the objective of this regulation is.

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